Yellow Gold 3011

Jan 23, 2011 20:25

I went to see Jin at Osakajou Hall on Friday night.

My seats were preeeeetty bad, to the extent that looking at the big screens was even difficult. It was a little disappointing, because the tickets I had hit for in Tokyo were arena! Nothing for it, though.

Anyway, I have been so busy lately and I had bought the tickets more out of reflex than actual desire. I had second thoughts about going.

I am so glad that I went.

So, like last year's tour there was a lot of crazy. Some of these crazy props were even re-used, like the weird walking table-woman hybrid. I know that Johnny's is behind these concerts, but these themes are really just... not necessary, and don't work for me. The weird alien/robot astronauts, jugglers, golden robots, glow-in-the-dark prison guards, light sabers.... yeah, I didn't really need any of that, thanks.

JIN ONLY WORE SUNGLASSES FOR ABOUT TWO SONGS. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. He only wore a hoodie for four or five? Being able to see his face for the better part of the concert was a wonderful thing. He also started out autotuning everything and did less of that as the night went on, which was another blessing.

The musical style was very similar to the You&Jin tour, which didn't come as a surprise. He performed some of those songs again-- My Mp3, PAPARATS, Hey Girl (love!), International party (ugh, hate. at least the awful video wasn't shown again), A PAGE... maybe a few more, I don't remember. I liked them a lot better this time around. His new songs, which ugh I wish I had taken notes on!, were really, really good. Considering I am not a huge fan of hip hop--I love clear melodies and discernable lyrics!--I was surprised to find that I really like his new set of music. His English lyrics are not perfect but much, much better and his pronunciation when singing has also improved by leaps and bounds.

It was a really pleasant surprise to actual enjoy all of the new music he had. I hope that there is a DVD or album out soon, because I can finally go back to genuinely enjoying his music!

He began the concert with a short video prelude to a song called PUPPET, I think, and the poem/rap was about how he had always been told what to do, who to be, what to wear and what to say and how he was sick of being someone else. Although it was a cheesy rhyming poem, the sentiment is so Jin and so good. When he sang PAPARATS again this time, in the red lighting he was beautiful and so passionate.

He also sang some of his Japanese songs, which were a really good balance. I am not the best judge, I know, but he didn't look like he enjoyed that part so much. He sang care and Murasaki. I suppose there are copyright issues? I wish he'd done some BANDAGE songs, too. Of course, he closed with Eternal.

WONDER and LOVEJUICE also made appearances. I love WONDER so, so much. I think it was my third time watching him perform it live, and the music video is so beautiful that I can't stop myself from watching it even though I know I should be watching him.

There was no encore as far as I could tell, and absolutely no MC portion. That was disappointing. The crowd, too, though, was incredibly low energy. Clapping, cheering, etc. were so quiet! People were getting into the music and dancing and whatnot, just, no noise at all. That was pretty awkward, and not at all what it was like at concerts in Tokyo!

Overall, he was much better dressed and everything this time around. I am more optimistic about his way forward! In addition to the single, he mentioned that he would be making many happy announcements this year. I look forward to it.

My attachment to Johnny's has waned, but my soft spot for Jin won't go away so quickly. It was a really good night.

akanishi jin, concerts

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