Today was the last day of Tottori University's Campus Festival, and for the closing concert they had
Metis perform.
I hadn't heard of PENGIN before, but they are an Okinawan hiphop? trio, similar to FUNKY MONKEY BABYS in that they have the tagalong DJ who does not appear to do much but probably does? They covered a 19 song, which is the key to my heart, and probably the best thing they could have done aside from pulling Akanishi Jin out of an amp or something, so, yeah, success. I liked them.
METIS WAS SO GOOD. She is really cute and speaks in really cute Hiroshima-ben and refers to herself in third person and says really ~inspirational~ things, but her voice! Her voice was incredible. I really like
Hahasanka (an ode to her mother), which is the song that made her famous, but listening to her sing it live to her mother (who died of cancer) was crazy intense and actually made me cry. And call my mom after.
And I discovered another song of hers that I love (the video is random):
Click to view
The rest of the weekend was very lazy and full of sleep and Pin fanfic and some cleaning. Yesterday the German CIR invited us to his apartment for dinner, which was bread (some home-made!) and cold cuts and cheese (mmmmmmmmm) and also he made a prune cobbler! Yummy~♪