business english lesson plan one: introductions

Sep 26, 2010 01:43


On Thursday I begin a 10-week adult English course entitled English You Can Use at Work (more or less). My predecessors have left very little in terms of material, but I do have themes for each class, and the first one is, appropriately, introductions.

While I have taught before, I have never done adults in a group and I am always incrediibly insecure. This is my preliminary plan, but each session is supposed to last two hours, and I anticipate having trouble filling up the time.

2 hrs x 18 enrolled students

① Administrative stuff [15-20 minutes]
- Time, dates, place
- Changes in schedule
- How to contact me
- Go around with names, and motivation for enrolling
- Overview of topics
- In what situations do you use English, and what do you find difficult?
- What area would you most like to improve in?

② Overview of introductions [8-10 minutes]
- Brief self-introduction (me)
- When have you had to introduce yourself in English, and what did you notice?
- Types of introductions/situations (casual, business, during a presentation, introducing others)
- What information to include
- Handout: helpful phrases, types of titles/positions in English

③ Practice [25-30 minutes]
- In partners: introduce yourselves
- Pass out a handout with example dialogue
- In large group: stand up and mingle/introduce yourself to others
- Introducing yourself to the group individually
- Discussion: good/bad things noticed

10-15 minute break

(Busy work: make a sheet of descriptions of made-up people, introduce these people?)

④ More talking [15 minutes]
- Cultural differences: shaking hands, business cards, names
- Things you shouldn't ask someone you just met
- Discussion: other differences?
- Q&A

⑤ English tools [3-5 minutes]
- Self-study: popjisyo, ALC, lang-8

⑥ Wrap-up [15 minutes]
- Introductions can provide topics to further develop conversation! Preview of next time: describing your job (handout to look over)
- Go around with plans for the weekend? things hope to learn?

It took me the better part of a day to flesh this out, and I still haven't actually prepared the material... but that isn't so hard once I know what I want. Still, preparing for teaching-type jobs always stresses me out immensely and takes. so. long. I am so happy that I'm not a teacher, but it's not cool that I have to do this on top of my regular work even if temporarily.

ph34r, teaching

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