On Old News and Hawkers

Jan 26, 2007 22:13

Being 13 hours ahead of NYC and 7 ahead of London makes me feel like I'm always getting yesterday's news. Even though that's not technically true, I still don't like being at work whenever something major happens. Like Bush's State of the Union. Or the Colts/NE game. OR THE SUPERBOWL. Not that I will easily be able to find a channel that carries it. Usually when people talk about football, it's the kind you kick. Tennis is also particularly popular. So is golf. And cricket.

After work today, one of my coworkers took me to a local shopping center and hawkers center where the locals hang out. Since I live on Orchard, I do most of my shopping and eating around there. Mostly because I'm lazy. Clementi is completely off the tourist radar which is a shame because the hawkers sell some awsome satay and popiah. When you have to stand in line for 45 minutes to buy a spring roll that costs $0.80, you know it's good. I paid more for parking than I did for dinner.
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