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Aug 16, 2007 07:20

No, the rumors you have heard are false.  I'm not dead, I'm not moving to Ohio (don't know where that one even came from), and my personal favorite: No, I'm not married, engaged, or in any rush to be either.  I am, however, posting my first entry in a long time at this, the last night home for my one-week summer vacation in Sturgis.

Summer has been very bland for me.  I found myself a job at the MSU Engineering Library, and for the first week or so it seemed to be a pretty sweet job.  Then I realized that I pretty much hate dealing with people.  Kind of a problem when you are expected to on a daily basis.  While I have plenty of fun stories about my brief stint at the library, that's for another day.  Other than work, I mostly just stayed around East Lansing most of the summer.  I subleased at a duplex with my friends Val and Ian.  The house more or less blew ass, but the summer was mostly fun.  We had a problem with a brief house centipede infestation, which scared the pants off Ian and I.  For Val, if she heard a girlish scream from the upstairs bathroom or the basement, she basically knew what it meant.  After laying down larger quantities of bug poison, we were finally able to rid ourselves of our many legged friends.  At this point, I believe a "Mission Accomplished!" banner is in order.

Usually, I like to make some sort of trip each summer.  This year was going to be no exception.  I had gained myself passage to Orlando Florida on a charter bus with a group from the University of Pittsburgh.  Our destination?  The Kappa Kappa Psi/Tau Beta Sigma (National Honorary Band Service Fraternity/Sorority) National Convention.  Bus fare was going to be cheap, and we were going to have fun.  Then I was given one more reason to hate Pittsburgh when they decided that the bus wasn't worth their time.  Left with little money and no transportation, I decided to stay home.

As stated earlier, tonight is my last night in Sturgis.  I came home a week ago, and now it's time to return to the realm of the gods for another exciting year of Spartan Football and shenanigans from the campus of MSU.  Marching Band starts back up this weekend and, scary as the thought is, they decided to make me a squad leader this year.  This means that I'm sort of a big deal, except not really at all.  This year I will be setting up my headquarters in beautiful Landon Hall, one of MSU's older dorm buildings.  Living off campus was fun, but I hated depending so much on the bus system to get around.  Sure, if it was closer, the buses wouldn't be a big deal, but when you have to wait about 20-30 minutes for a ride into civilization, that gets kind of old.

Anyway, some randomness....

* This year, I got good at video games.  REAL good.
* I discovered that football isn't the only sport I like.  I've developed a new passion for hockey and MSU Basketball.
* I decided that I hate government.  Seriously.  It basically blows.
* I read the Harry Potter books and am now pretty much a huge Potter-geek.
* I failed a class in a subject that was actually one of my best last year: Economics.  Dear grapht, was it something I said?
* Learned that beer isn't as bad as I thought it was.
* I've decided that I pretty much don't like working.
* I decided that I still hate big cities.  Lansing is the biggest I'd ever want to live in.  My first choice is the upper peninsula, though.
* I've learned that I hate packing, moving, and unpacking.  Seriously, I don't want to do this again.
* I'm tired.  I have a job interview tomorrow and a full day of unpacking.  Good night...and joy be with you all.
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