Free at last, free at last, Halleljiah free at last! That's right, kids. At 10:15am today, we put the final touches of paint on our 2 week project for Burr Oak Tool. On the one hand, this means I have some time to myself for a while - on the other hand, it also means I'm out of work until a new gig rolls along. We'll just sit tight and see what happens.
Inspired by
teechers_pet's comments on the Da Vinci Code movie/book, I'll give my own thoughts on the matter. I am a Christian and I absolutely HATE the Da Vinci Code. Not because it's exposing touchy secrets of the faith - oh no. Quite the opposite. I hate this book because of the people who like it. That's right. Have you ever listened to these buttfaces talk? They are the sort of stuck up "intellectuals" who sit around all day, smell their own farts, and circle jerk eachother talking about how enlightened they are for having read a glorious book like the Code. Did I read the Da Vinci Code? Yes, I did. I also kind of enjoyed the story. However, when I finished reading the book, I closed it and put it on my book shelf, not planning to read it again. It burns my butt whenever I hear one of those hacks who feel oh-so-superior to the rest of the world because of the knowledge they recieved from Dan "Jesus" Brown. Here's a few interesting tid-bits, incase any of you skanks are reading this post:
1.) The book was bought in a section labled "Fiction," that means that it's not true.
2.) Dan Brown has openly admitted that he "borrowed" quite a few of his ideas from another book - "Holy Blood, Holy Grail"
3.) The book is FICTION!
4.) Stop smelling your own farts
5.) .....
So therefore, do I have a problem with you going to see this abortion of a movie? No - by all means, go and see for yourself what a crappy movie it really is. Its one saving grace is the fact that Tom Hanks is in it, and though he totally slutted up his hair, he is a good actor. I'm a bit dissappointed that he has lowered his standards enough to be in a movie like this, but we all have to do what we can. If, at some point during the movie, you find yourself with your head near your seat cushion, feeling a tad more enlightened than the rest of us, remember to stop smelling your own farts and remind yourself that the movie you are watching is a complete work of fiction - meant for nothing other than entertainment. I may even watch the movie myself - but I will certainly wait to rent it.....I think I would probably pass out from all the farts in a theater...either that or I would fly off the handle and start roundhouse kicking people in the face.