Today has been a pleasantly wonderful day. To begin the day, I was woken up by my cell phone, vibrating to tell me I recieved a voice mail. Turns out, my pal
smbhooah has been accepted to the Michigan State School of Music. Many congratulations - that is indeed happy news. It's about time Phil Sinder came to his senses and made the right call.
Next, I logged on to the intarweb, to see what was new there. Turns out, my final grade has been updated on Glen Oaks' website. My final semester grades are:
1.) American Government and Political Science - 3.0
2.) Micro Economics - 3.5
3.) College Algebra - 3.5
Semester GPA - 3.33
While it's not quite a 4.0 GPA, I'm pleased - especially since I got a 3.0 in Mr. Wathen's government class, because a.) he's a hard-ass, and b.) I never studied, except for the final test. This also means that I have met MSU's minimum standard for this semester of a 3.0 with some breathing room to spare. Hopefully now they will live up to their word.
I went and practiced today, and after a shakey start, I started sounding good...REAL good. Almost better than I've heard myself play even when I was a music major. If I can keep this up, marching band auditions will be no trouble. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that I can keep it up.
While I was practicing, my cell phone rang. It was Perry Personnel, calling to offer me a gig at Burr Oak Tool doing some bitch work for 2 weeks. Now, you may think to yourself "meh, 2 weeks? What's great about that?" Plenty. I will be working 9 hour days at 9$ an hour. If they don't jew me on taxes, I should make close to 900$ those two weeks. That may not be a ton, but this early in the summer, it's a nice start. Hopefully I can keep getting sweet deals like this. I could have enough money to pimp my auto and buy some sweet bling (for use on the streets, and when I go out hot tubbin').
I went to the gym for a little while tonight, but left early to go to South Bend with Colin and Senor Pedro el Meat. That was jolly good fun, even though I was more gassed up than Colin's car on the way home.