Jun 17, 2004 16:24
i don't know why i have become so fucking emotional about everything lately.. its like little things that really don't matter. i really shouldn't be getting upset about them but yet i end up feeling these weird crazy upsetting emotions. like yesterday i thought i was going to explode into a million piece either that or fucking beat someone into a million pieces. i think a huge contributing factor is the girl i ride to school with. her behaviors invoke this horrible crazed bitch in me that one of these days is going to bash the fucking shit out of her.. like a pin-yata (hah i will spell words the way they sound in my head from now on).. i think today she got a very small taste of me not the "you are always so mellow, so chill, nothing ever bothers you" person that she thinks i am.. but its weird b/c the anger wasn't directed at her, more at maureen. but i think i must have made her a little nervous b/c she ask my good friend christina if she needed a lift to the metro.. which is very considerate of her since she hasn't ever ask christina if she wanted a ride b4. or maybe she is just trying to become all chummy with christina so she can have someone help her pay for parking the month i take my leave... thats prolly why.. i fucking hope we loose the parking pass. then my on going hate for her would deminish and i would finally feel at ease with the situation. and then she would be left to ride the metro every morning.. haha cunty bitch. man i need to chill.
man wes is a life saver if it wasn't for him i think my little black cloud that has been following me around all week would never dissolve. well wes and my mom who always knows what to say and has the best timing with confetti cake! i already feel the anger slipping away...
hah sorry this post sucked