Sometimes you have to loose til you win...

Nov 17, 2010 10:18

After a conversation today I realize sometimes you DO have to loose til you win.  Not many people "win" right away -- but when they do finally "win" they don't talk about all the times they lost.  However, loosing is really what gives us character.  It will be alright again.

I have many talks with people the last few days that are in that slump of life.  They have tried with multiple things and they haven't wound up in their favor.

Talking to people about what they thought would happen in their lives by now (as a kid I thought i would be married with babies by 25)... and seeing where they currently are.  These dreams and aspirations have really held up back to really what we are to become.  Life doesn't happen as quickly and easily then we thought it would.  Finding that "one" to marry we just end up really settling (and not LOOKING at who the person really is) because we want to make that "deadline" we set for ourselves.

Looking around you see people who are "where you want to be".  However, being one of those people myself I always question if they are as happy and where they want to be as they give off.  People in my HS graduation - already divorcing - because they don't know who they are and what they need.

Life is harder than we expected - and so we need to re-adjust what we perceive our self to be - or we are just going to be upset with our self because it's not what we wanted -  but we HAVE done a lot in our life so far.

So - I guess the question or thought of the day - is to really think about all you have accomplished (and not compare yourself to anyone) and really thing about the good you have done - and thing about what you STILL want to accomplish.

Got to thank my Grad for showing me this song:
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