Missives to the Spy (Remus Lupin/Severus Snape) [NC17]

Mar 02, 2010 21:47

Title: Missives to the Spy
Author: bonfoi
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Summary: Remus Lupin spies for his king and country. The object of his latest mission is none other than Severus du Snape, Vicomte du Slytherine. Lucky werewolf! Even luckier Snape!
Challenge: Letters to Remus, lupin_snape 2010 birthday (his 50th!)
Word Count: 1,914
Genre: Alternate Reality; Romance; Fest/Challenge; PWP
Warnings: Dirty Talk; Table Sex; Purple prose; NWS
Beta: The kind yet stern etain_antrim
A/N: Inspired by ebonyserpent’s 2007 fantasy piece, A Shocking Discovery [NWS]. When the prompt “Letters to Lupin” came along, I remembered this art and voila! The ficlet practically wrote itself!

Is the way to a werewolf's heart through passionate writings? Severus du Snape knows.

ss/rl, oneshot, bonfoi, fest, 2010, nc17

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