I'm finally getting around to answering the tag from January...

Mar 30, 2006 07:33

I was tagged on 14 December 2005 by the_minx_17 with a '5 things about me' meme... So sue me...I am doing it...even if it is late! LOL

1. If I could, I'd move back to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and become a student again. I think blizzards and frigid temperatures are much easier on the psyche than Gulf of Mexico hurricanes. I miss being able to walk where I want, and the Finnish names on the street signs.

2. I have one two friends and four family members in the South. I even have 3 "adopted" nephews here, but, I miss my best friend.

3. I want to get another degree, this one a Master's in Mineralogy and/or Sedimentology, maybe with a minor/Bachelor's in Business Administration. What can I say? Professional student has such a lovely ring to it!

4. I miss working around wood. The most soothing time in my life was spent splitting firewood...mindless, but, it let me think about everything. It was a good sideline.

5. I wish there was a nice underground mine around so that I could replenish my mineral collection. Laying on my stomach and 'steeling out some of the best samples I can lay claim to was a lot of fun!

I haven't gone to bed yet...I don't know who to tag!!!


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