My HPTimeTravel prompts...thus far.

Apr 16, 2012 09:33

Prompt: Severus/Remus ~
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape/Regulus Black; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Prompt: When Harry Potter confirms Regulus Black died trying to destroy, or hide, one of Voldemort's Horcuxes, Severus "appropriates" a Time Turner, intending to save Regulus' life. Unfortunately, he finds out that the world, and Remus Lupin, aren't the same way he left them after changing time.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture.
Additional Information: Sirius Black interferes at some point. Dumbledore's eyes are still twinkling because he lives.

Prompt: Sirius Black/Severus Snape ~
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape/Sirius Black
Prompt: After he breaks out of Azkaban, Sirius Black hides in his family's Scottish hunting lodge. He finds food and shelter...and an ancient pillar carved with a ritual to traverse time, keyed to Black blood. He tries to save Lily and James, but he ends up falling over a younger, broken Severus Snape.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture.
Additional Information: Celtic or Norse Mythology would be a very cool part of the story.

Prompt: Harry/Draco & Severus/Remus ~
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Prompt: As he lies dying in the Shrieking Shack, Severus wishes he could change one thing in his life. Fawkes appears, tears flow, and when Severus wakes up, it's in his past. Unfortunately, he has to avoid his own younger self. Along the way, he learns just how wrong he was about Remus Lupin.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture.
Additional Information: Humor would be great as old!Severus avoids young!Severus and the Death Eaters and the Aurors and everyone but little Harry Potter.

Prompt: Luna/Severus/Remus ~
Characters/Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Prompt: Set during Harry and Draco's Eighth Year. Both are bitter that the men they looked up to are dead. Somehow, they both come to the same conclusion: A Time Turner would make things better because their mentor would be alive to guide them. When they succeed, it's only through team work.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture.
Additional Information: Sex Magic component; Humor, if possible; could start out with Harry/Ginny and Draco/Pansy, either platonic or romantic, but end result in Harry/Draco, even if it's pre-slash. Severus and Remus do not make things easy for the boys, either.

Prompt: Luna/Severus/Remus ~
Characters/Pairing: Luna Lovegood/Remus Lupin; Luna Lovegood/Severus Snape; Luna Lovegood/Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Prompt: Visiting an ancient bog to see the remains of Wrackspurts and Mollywobbles, Luna stumbles into an well. As she falls, time races backwards. When she stops and then climbs out, she finds herself back in the late 1970's, just after the Marauders and Severus have left Hogwarts. Luna a decides to change some of the pages in Hogwarts: A History.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture.
Additional Information: Threesome; Luna's radish earrings becoming the vogue for a month; fluff and angst, not just angst, please. No sad, teary ending.

Prompt: Lucius/Narcissa & Severus/Sirius ~
Characters/Pairing: Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black; Severus Snape/Sirius Black; Bellatrix Black; Walburga Black; Kreacher
Prompt: After another rousing fight in No. 12 Grimmauld Place, Sirius shuts himself in the Black library. Needing a highly specialized, very Dark tome, Severus breaks Sirius' wards and surprises him messing about with a jar of sparkling fluid. Somehow, they end up back in the past, when Lucius is trying to decide if Narcissa would make a better wife than Bellatrix.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture.
Additional Information: Lucius swings both ways. Severus can't seem to ignore Sirius, no matter what. Bellatrix is bat-shit crazy even then.

Prompt: Severus/Remus; Lily/James ~
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Lily Evans/Severus Snape; Lily Evans/James Potter; Sirius Black/James Potter
Prompt: Wanting to find out what's so great about sex, Severus and Lily experiment with each other. Concluding that they aren't each other's ideal partner, they create a spell to change time. Instead of going back an hour, they go forward ten years and have to "fix" their future lives.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture.
Additional Information: young!Severus doesn't have the Dark Mark. young!Lily is attracted to world-weary!Remus and rough-around-the-edges!James. Sirius Black is still causing trouble. Angst and confusion with some humor.

Prompt: Remus/Severus ~
Characters/Pairing: Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks; Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Prompt: On the night before his wedding, Remus makes a wish upon a shooting star. He wants to change his life, alter the path everyone has pushed him upon. Surprise, surprise, he lands in another time, the time of the Founders and finds himself attracted to a man in Ravenclaw's court. A man with a beaky nose and a wicked way with words who might not be exactly what he says he is.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture.
Additional Information: Humor; ignores HP and DH; EWE; Dumbledore's machinations/plans falling into place for someone; is this live or is it a fantasy?

Prompt: Remus/Lily/Severus ~
Characters/Pairing: Remus Lupin/Lily Evans; Severus Snape/Lily Evans; Remus Lupin/Lily Evans/Severus Snape; James Potter; Sirius Black; Frank Longbottom/Alice Longbottom; Minerva McGonnagal; Albus Dumbledore; a child
Prompt: When Severus calls her that despicable name, Lily wants nothing more to do with him, even if he was her secret boyfriend. She turns to Remus for comfort and finds herself dreaming of the perfect man...who just happens to be two men. A fall into the Black Lake and an encounter with the Giant Squid, and Lily surfaces in a different time, a different Hogwarts.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture.
Additional Information: Mirror of Erised; Fluffy the Three-headed Dog; "James Potter, you are an utter toerag." Matchmaking professors--not Dumbledore or Minerva. Snape could take the Dark Mark or not.

Prompt: Severus/Remus + Sirius ~
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape/Bellatrix Lestrange; Remus Lupin; Sirius Black; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Nymphadora Tonks; Andromeda Black; Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy; Harry Potter; Draco Malfoy
Prompt: Sirius had never felt so cold, every thought crystal clear as when he'd been shot into the Veil. He's surprised to find himself in a strange world that seems "almost" like the one he left behind. Except for Severus Snape as the lapdog of mad cousin Bella or Remus' odd behavior whenever Snape wafts into a room. Sirius can trace the change to his "death" and tries to recreate some of what he learned skulking around Grimmauld Place.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture.
Additional Information: Possible threesome, not with Bellatrix, please. She's crazy, but kind of clumsy like Tonks; in the alternate timeline, Tonks is kind of driven and not clumsy. Voldemort is a bit of a flake. It's like this world has been touched--far too hard--by Weasley Wizarding Wheezes every day for a year.

Prompt: Severus/Remus & Harry/Ginny/Draco ~
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley; Draco Malfoy; portrait!Walburga Black; Kreacher the house-elf; Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley/Draco Malfoy
Prompt: After the dust settles, after all the heroes have been laid to rest, Harry and the Order of the Phoenix meet for one last time in No. 12 Grimmauld Place. A few glasses of Firewhisky later, and a Floo Call to Draco, and Harry's being tempted to break the curse of Walburga's portrait and the extra-strength sticking charm on it. Little does he know one kiss and he's going to matchmaking and finding his own heart's true desires.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture.
Additional Information: Alternate Universe -- Magical; fluff and angst; humor. Becoming a threesome takes some tact and Harry is a bit lacking, so he goes to someone he admires and asks for help--it's not the obvious choice. Draco does the same thing.

Prompt: Severus/Remus or Sirius/Severus or Harry/Draco ~
Characters/Pairing: could either one or another or all three: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Sirius Black/Severus Snape; Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy; The Giant Squid; Hogwarts Castle
Prompt: Alone and hungry, one of the men is tired of fighting to survive. He returns to Hogwarts, to the place that was once a refuge, forgetting all the bad things that had happened there. He stares into the Black Lake and abruptly Apparates to the middle of it. He doesn't reckon with the Giant Squid's own magic. He surfaces in a different time, finding a reason to keep fighting, to do more than just survive.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture.
Additional Information: Could be one story or three. Personal growth would be nice. Some humor; life is not all angst and darkness. The Giant Squid is not just a magical beast.

Prompt: James/Lily, Remus/Severus ~
Characters/Pairing: James Potter; Lily Evans; James Potter/Lily Evans; Severus Snape; Remus Lupin; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Prompt: Lily Evans becomes an Unspeakable, and remains single. It's years later that she stumbles across a prophecy about a child and breaks it. As the last shard of glass tinkles on the floor and the mists of the prophecy disperse, Lily finds herself in the past, trying to change her life, and those of her former friends.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture.
Additional Information: Prim-and-Proper!future!Lily isn't very happy and tries to go back to her time at least once. Dumbledore isn't the one who figures out who she is. "Matchmaking isn't for the faint of heart or anyone breathing." Think the movie It's a Wonderful Life.

Prompt: Harry/Draco & Severus/Remus ~
Characters/Pairing: Harry Potter; Draco Malfoy; Severus Snape; Remus Lupin; Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Albus Dumbledore; Ariana Dumbledore; Filius Flitwick; Gellert Grindlewald; portrait!Phineas Nigellus Black
Prompt: During the rebuilding of Hogwarts, in the interest of rehabilitating former Death Eaters, Severus and Draco are using their magic to fix up the Slytherin Dungeons. They find a hidden room with a statue of Salazar Slytherin. They leave it alone, for a while, but they and their probation partners, Remus and Harry, end up touching the statue at the same time and are transported back one hundred years. They meet Albus Dumbledore...and Gellert Grindlewald. They change one thing.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture.
Additional Information: Mild bondage is acceptable. This is before Ariana meets her cruel fate.

Prompt: Severus/Remus ~
Characters/Pairing: Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks; Teddy Lupin; Andromeda Tonks; Severus Snape; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Prompt: Teddy Lupin has heard all the stories about how brave and kind and loyal his father was. In fact, his mother has nothing but good things to say about him. A mysterious box with love letters tells a different story. Using Aunt Hermione's Arithmancy books, Teddy creates a spell to meet his father and finds out more than he bargained for when he ends up as his student during the last war.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture.
Additional Information: Not an adultery fic. Those living sometimes bend the truth to protect the innocent. Someone knows the truth, but Teddy never asks them the right question.

Prompt: Remus/Severus & Charlie/Draco ~
Characters/Pairing: Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks; Remus Lupin; Severus Snape; Remus Lupin/Severus Snape; Charlie Weasley; Charlie Weasley/Draco Malfoy
Prompt: Trying to find a way to turn Draco Malfoy back into a young man instead of the dragon Pansy Parkinson cursed him into, Severus travels with dragon!Draco to Romania and Charlie Weasley on the Dragon Reserve. Dragons have some of the oldest magic in the world and Severus inadvertently transport himself, dragon!Draco and Charlie into the far past, were the Wolf of Hogwarts is keeping the castle safe for all wizarding kind.
Maximum Rating:
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture.
Additional Information: Medieval trappings: joust, armor, favors, alchemy, etc. would be lovely. No bestiality, per se. Charlie makes certain no one slays Draco, but they do cook up a scheme at one point making use of the legend of St. George and the Dragon.

Prompt: Severus/Remus ~
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Prompt: During the Battle of Hogwarts, Severus finds he's cornered at Dumbledore's tomb. He presses back against the marble, surprised to find it's warm to the touch. A snarled curse burns the air, hits Severus and the tomb...and he wakes up in a cottage, Remus Lupin sleeping at his side. Severus thinks it's all a dream, Remus can't say one way or the other, and Teddy Lupin is trying to get them married and Harry Potter seems intent on breaking the two of them apart.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture.
Additional Information: Humor, not crack, please. This is a future fic. Hermione's the one with the answers, but no one's asking her the right question. Draco is an Unspeakable. Harry is a very suspicious Auror. There's a reason why Remus can't help Severus.

Prompt: Severus/Remus, Sirius/Lily ~
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Lily Evans/James Potter; Lily Evans/Sirius Black; Charlus Potter; Lucius Malfoy; Bellatrix Black (Lestrange)
Prompt: Instead of going behind the Veil Sirius Black comes out in 1979 England. Confused by everything, but knowing he's near the Potter Manor, he goes there, meeting Lily once more. Something happens, something dangerous and older!slightly mad!Sirius takes Lily and runs. Severus recruits, or blackmails, Remus to "save" her.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture, Heavy Angst.
Additional Information: What to say? What to say? Nothing violent, please. Some humor in the midst of the confusion would be great, if possible. Just who is Harry's father after all this?

Prompt: Severus/Remus + Madam Hooch/? ~
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Madam Hooch/author's choice; portrait!Albus Dumbledore; portrait!Phineas Nigellus Black; portrait!Rowena Ravenclaw; assorted Weasleys; Prewett Brothers
Prompt: During the Battle of Hogwarts, Madam Hooch suddenly appears and saves Severus Snape. How did she get there? Did she have help? What's she babbling about with regards to Lupin and Albus' portrait?
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture.
Additional Information: Either Remus or Severus is related somehow to Hooch. Hooch's lover(s) is/are the one(s) who found the way to time travel. Happy ending adored.

Prompt: Severus/Remus; Severus/Ravenclaw; Severus/Hufflepuff ~
Characters/Pairing: ultimately Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Severus Snape/Rowena Ravenclaw; Severus Snape/Helga Hufflepuff
Prompt: Cursed to a lingering death by Nagini's venom, Severus uses what time he has searching for a way to create a time bubble around his body. Unfortunately, his magic interferes with an enchantment on Hogwarts Castle. When strange stories of a beaky-nosed man matching his description crop up in Hogwarts: A History Remus investigates.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture.
Additional Information: Neither Rowena nor Helga are exactly like their stories in Hogwarts: A History. Severus is not as suited to living in 1000 A.D. as he thought. Viking raid with dragons would be awesome.

Prompt: Severus/Remus + Tonks/Charlie ~
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape; Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks; Charlie Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Teddy Lupin; Andromeda Tonks; Poppy Pomfrey; Filius Flitwick
Prompt: Remus, Severus and Tonks survive the Battle of Hogwarts. Tonks begins to reevaluate her marriage to Remus during peace time. While on an assignment at Stonehenge, standing in the center of the stone circle, Tonks makes a fervent wish ("I wish he loved me like I love him") and... Thunder, lightning, and she's gone back into her past, and she's not married to Remus yet!
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture, Heavy Angst
Additional Information: Sex magic might be useful, if Tonks can convince someone to do it with her. Humor, fluff and angst (flangst), romance.

Prompt: Remus/Severus & Peeves/? & Harry/? ~
Characters/Pairing: Harry Potter; Ron Weasley; Draco Malfoy; Hermione Granger; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Hogwarts
Prompt: Adopting the tradition of Muggle Time Capsules, several Muggleborns bury one near Dumbledore's tomb. A decade or two passes and they dig it up, unearthing more than just a time capsule. How they got there is the up to the author, but Peeves holds all the answers.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture, Heavy Angst
Additional Information: Confusion. Humor. Convoluted theories about time travel and magic. Just how did the world change and why don't any of them remember anything past the Battle of Hogwarts?

Prompt: Sirius/Severus & Severus/Remus ~
Characters/Pairing: alt!Sirius Black/alt!Severus Snape; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Albus Dumbledore; Lucius Malfoy; Voldemort; Peter Pettigrew; Lily Evans/James Potter;
Prompt: Sirius Black fell in love with Severus Snape after they met at a Death Eater meeting. When things get tense, Sirius has a habit of sending out pulses of wild magic. When one such pulse interacts with a Time Turner, Severus and Sirius end up in world where they're enemies.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture, Heavy Angst, On-screen violence.
Additional Information: alt!Sirius and alt!Severus both have the Dark Mark, but it's different from Severus'. Remus Lupin doesn't believe alt!Sirius is real, but he fantasizes about Severus and alt!Severus. Do the alts switch sides? Does the alt!Dark Lord come after them?

Prompt: Severus/Remus + Peeves + Sentient Hogwarts ~
Characters/Pairing: canon Severus Snape/Lily Evans; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Luna Lovegood; Neville Longbottom; Draco Malfoy; Harry Potter; Blaise Zabini; Ron Weasley; Merlin & Morgana (or any other source to grant the ability)
Prompt: The ability to walk through time is granted once in a millennium, and Luna Lovegood is the recipient. During the Battle of Hogwarts she uses her power to aid the cause of the Light, saving Severus Snape's life, and Draco Malfoy's soul, and creating two Life Debts, and a time conundrum.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture, Heavy Angst, Graphic Violence.
Additional Information: Luna thinks Neville is cute with a sword. Moony (werewolf!Remus) can see the strands of time.

Prompt: Severus/Luna (platonic); Severus/Remus ~
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape; Luna Lovegood; Severus Snape/Luna Lovegood (platonic mentor/student relationship); Remus Lupin; Nymphadora Tonks; Harry Potter
Prompt: During the war, the long, long war, Luna turns spy and learns from Prof. Snape. She finds an ancient artifact with strange runes. When she figures out how it works, she disappears. Unfortunately for her, she goes back to the beginning, to the first time she meets Harry. Fortunately for the others, she knows just what to do.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture, Heavy Angst, Graphic Violence
Additional Information: Luna admires Remus but doesn't understand why he never takes a chance on confessing his feelings to Snape in the future. Harry thinks older!Luna is a spy for someone.

Prompt: Lucius/Severus; Severus/Remus ~
Characters/Pairing: Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy; Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Abraxas Malfoy; Tom Riddle
Prompt: Alternate Universe or Alternate Reality. Voldemort has been defeated and destroyed. Lucius begins an affair. Narcissa finds out and casts a Black Family Curse that sends Lucius surfing through time. He pops up in the Founders timeline; at Harry's birth (Lucius does not like that!); and finally, in a part of the past that he never wanted to revisit: His father's party where he introduces Lucius to Voldemort.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture, Heavy Angst
Additional Information: A bit of bondage wouldn't go amiss in this fic. Could be a comedy of errors or have a bit of humor. Happy ending, please.

Prompt: Severus/Sirius/Remus ~
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin/Sirius Snape
Prompt: Sick and tired of everyone saying Harry Potter needs Sirius Black, Severus Snape searches the Black library and Hogwarts Library. He finds a map to Helga Hufflepuff's hidden room; it holds a window into the past, which he thinks might be like the Veil. In order to change time, he also seems to need sex magic...
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture, Heavy Angst
Additional Information: Severus doesn't like spider webs, nuh-uh, no way, no how! He's not even certain he wants Black back, but Potter's whelp is necessary to his future...which may change, but Severus doesn't realize that until too late.

Prompt: Draco/Harry & Remus/Severus ~
Characters/Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Astoria Greengrass; Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley; Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter; Severus Snape; Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Prompt: After Astoria divorces Draco and takes Scorpius, Draco is left alone in Malfoy Manor. After a night of drinking he finds himself in a strange room, with paintings that seem to depict the past. Somehow he touches one and finds himself changing his life, and those of the people that matter to him.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture
Additional Information: From the depths of sadness comes love and humor. Draco has some help from unexpected sources.

Prompt: Severus/Lucius then Severus/Remus ~
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape/Lucius Malfoy; Remus Lupin/Lily Evans
Prompt: In another timeline, Severus never regrets what happened to Lily, he never spies for Dumbledore, and he never teaches at Hogwarts. Only after his lover, Lucius, leaves him for another does he have any regrets, or want any revenge. His revenge leads him to create a time-bending potion. One drink will change his world...but just how much?
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture, Heavy Angst
Additional Information: manipulative!Dumbledore, sentient Giant Squid, dark!Lucius, dark!Severus who becomes grey!Severus

Prompt: Severus/-Lily or James-/Remus & Harry/Draco ~
Characters/Pairing: Lily Evans/James Potter; Severus Snape/Lily Evans; Remus Lupin; Severus Snape/Lily or James Potter/Remus Lupin
Prompt: Two Potters survived Voldemort's attack, and no one knows how. Remus--observant, wall-flower, and curious--begins investigating and finds out a mystery made up of time displacement and doppelgangers.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture, Heavy Angst, Graphic Violence
Additional Information: Everyone underestimates Remus, writing him off when they see his patched clothes and scars. He's something very special.

Prompt: Dumbledore/Grindlewald & Severus/Remus ~
Characters/Pairing: Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindlewald; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Voldemort; assorted characters
Prompt: Somehow, Grindlewald appears in the middle of Hogsmeade, during the Battle of Hogswarts. Albus appears minutes later. How does this affect the timeline? Who's here to save the day and who's here to rule the world?
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture, Heavy Angst
Additional Information: Severus and Remus are in an established relationship, and use their own history to fix things...or break them beyond repair.

Prompt: Severus/Vampire; Severus/Remus ~
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape; author's choice of vampire; Remus Lupin
Prompt: Bitten during the Battle of Hogwarts, Severus lives in the shadows, watching people live and die in the world he helped create. As an Elder Vampire, he meets the One, the first vampire and by drinking his/her blood, his magic changes and allows him to shift through time. Can he go back and change things?
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture, Heavy Angst
Additional Information: Teddy Lupin became a werewolf and always received the Wolfsbane Potion, wherever he was in the world. His life and death influence Severus.

Prompt: Harry/Severus; Draco/Remus; Harry/Draco & Severus/Remus ~
Characters/Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape; Draco Malfoy/Remus Lupin; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Prompt: Begins in a dystopian future, where Voldemort won. Unfortunately, he didn't live very long to enjoy it. The Death Eaters have made concubines of former Order of the Phoenix members. While surveying the Ministry of Magic, either Harry or Remus finds something powerful and hides it away. Inadvertently someone else triggers the device and time begins changing from day-to-day.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture, Heavy Angst
Additional Information: future!Draco was bitten by Greyback. future!Severus has difficulty speaking.

Prompt: Hermione/a lot of folks; Severus/Remus ~
Characters/Pairing: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Hermione Granger/Harry Potter; Hermione Granger/Remus Lupin; Hermione Granger/Prof. Vector; Hermione Granger/Lucius Malfoy
Prompt: Hermione becomes addicted to changing time. She learns how to make her time turners, illegal ones, and keeps popping back in time to save her "heroes". The only constant is that Severus Snape and Remus Lupin know what she's doing, but she doesn't understand how.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Shower, Torture, Heavy Angst
Additional Information: Could be angsty or could be flangsty (fluffy angst), author's choice. Not all of Hermione's encounters have to be sexual.

Prompt: Sirius/Severus; Sirius/Harry; Sirius/Remus; Sirius/Narcissa; Sirius/Hermione; Severus/Remus ~
Characters/Pairing: Sirius Black/Narcissa Black; Sirius Black/Severus Snape; Sirius Black/Harry Potter; Sirius Black/Hermione Granger; Sirius Black/Remus Lupin; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Maximum Rating: Slowly going mad in No. 12 Grimmauld Place, Sirius tricks Kreacher into showing him a house-elf spell to stop time. The spell allows Sirius to travel back and forth through time living out his fantasies. Unfortunately, this begins changing things.
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture, Heavy Angst
Additional Information: Could be humorous, author's choice. Would love a ripple effect.

Prompt: Sirius/Severus ~
Characters/Pairing: Sirius Black; Severus Snape; portrait!Walburga Black; Kreacher; Regulus Black
Prompt: After young!Severus finds out Regulus is dead, he decides that Sirius is the reason for his lover's death and creates a spell to punish Sirius for it. The spell interacts with the wards of Grimmauld Place and a ripple in time occurs.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture
Additional Information: Could be comedy of errors or dramatic. Wall!sex would be lovely. A not-so-mad!Kreacher. Regulus Black can live or be a canon death.

Prompt: Sirus/James; Sirius/Severus ~
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Sirius Black/James Potter; Sirius Black/Severus Snape
Prompt: One last spell of Dumbledore's activates and a bleeding Severus Snape is transported to the Ministry of Magic and the Veil. He tries to enter it and instead Sirius Black falls out, thinking he's only been gone an hour, and he's not alone. Whomever Black touches begins getting younger. There's the added problem of James Potter.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture, Heavy Angst
Additional Information: Could use Sirius' new backwards-time ability against other Death Eaters, but how do you stop it? Do the victims remember their lives and only regress physically?

Prompt: Severus/Remus & Janus ~
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape/Lily Evans; Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks; Remus Lupin/Minerva McGonnagal; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Prompt: During the Battle of Hogwarts, Remus finds himself invoking the two-faced Roman god Janus, the god of beginnings and endings and motion (e.g., time travel). Janus appears and helps Remus affect the outcome of the battle, but there are consequences.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture, unhappy ending
Additional Information: Based on the Latin used for spells, Janus seemed a good choice as a time-bender. Remus' wolf recognizes Janus as an Alpha. Severus Snape does not think Janus is doing Remus a favor.

Prompt: Severus/Remus & Phineas Nigellus Black ~
Characters/Pairing: Remus Lupin/Regulus Black; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Phineas Nigellus Black/other
Prompt: Trying to save Severus' life as he lies bleeding, Remus mispronounces a spell he heard Regulus use to revive a fellow classmate years ago. Instead of just stopping Severus' bleeding, it gathers everything covered in Severus' blood--including Remus and Severus--and sends it back in time to the spell's originator: Headmaster Phineas Nigellus Black.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture, Heavy Angst, unhappy ending
Additional Information: There's a problem: Phineas Nigellus hates Muggleborns...which also includes half-bloods. Just how are they going to get out this mess and back to their own time?

Prompt: Severus/Regulus; Severus/Remus; Regulus/other ~
Username: bonfoi
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape/Regulus Black; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin; Regulus Black/other Potter character.
Maximum Rating: Mentoring Regulus Black as he becomes a Death Eater, Severus Snape takes him to Bath, to an attack within the Roman baths. A combination of spells thrusts both of them into the oldest bath, the one dedicated to Sulis Minerva. The goddess had been sleeping and she is not amused! She punishes them by sending them forward in time where they must serve her and heal the damage they created.
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture
Additional Information: Roman and Celtic mythology can come into play here. Perhaps Minerva McGonagall might become the physical manifestation of Sulis Minerva when the goddess wants to speak to the two troublesome and confused Death Eaters.

Ley Line Prompt: Severus/Remus ~
Username: bonfoi
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape; Remus Lupin; Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Prompt: What if certain ley lines were really 'arteries of time'? Hunting Horcruxes independent of Harry Potter, Severus and Remus stumble upon each other at an ancient site where three ley lines intersect and a Horcrux is hidden. Earth Magic and Wizarding Magic interfere with each other at this site and Severus and Remus are flung through time.
Maximum Rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture, unhappy ending
Additional Information: This could take place during various periods until they can work out a way to get back to their present. From uneasy allies to lovers, their journey will be filled with revelations, some of them about historic figures and not just their own selves.

prompt, pimping, pimpage

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