Fest Fic: A Taste of Magic [PG] (SS/RL; PP/CW)

Nov 08, 2011 23:49

A Taste of Magic

Author: bonfoi
Rating: PG
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, Pansy Parkinson/Charlie Weasley
Summary: Severus Snape finds himself captivated by Remus Lupin...and his cooking. Too bad he’s so suspicious.
Challenge: hp-creatures’s Halloween 2011 Creature Fest: Prompt 58. Film: Simply Irresistible
Word Count: ~11,500
Genre: Alternate Universe; Romance; Humor; Creature
Warnings: Alternate relationships and ages for some characters to meet prompt needs.
A/N: This was a pinch-hit and a long one! I had to let Severus and Remus have some fun this past holiday. It grew and grew and grew. For some odd reason, plot wanted in. *lol*

Original Part One posted at LJ comm, HP Creatures

Original Part Two posted at LJ comm, HP Creatures

humor, ss/rl, creature, humour, veela, challenge, fic: pg, fest entry, bonfoi, rl/ss, author: bonfoi

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