HP Creatures Prompts 2011 ~ Yep, I gave!

Jul 12, 2011 12:28

If anyone's interested, HP Creatures is holding a prompt call for their 2011 Creature Fest. Have a scary movie that you could see Severus and Remus in as either protagonist, antagonist, or running-for-their-lives-ist?

Film: “The Blob”
Creature: The Blob
Pairing: Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger; Ron Weasley as the Blob/Blaise Zabini; Ron Weasley/Blaise Zabini
Era: EWE
Additions: Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy call a truce when it looks like Blaise is interested in Ron as more than an interesting problem.
Scenario: Hermione’s new job as an Unspeakable comes home with her one day when she bumps into an ancient Wizarding apothecary chest. Ron ends up paying for her negligence as his hunger begins to run out of control and only Unspeakable Zabini is willing to explore the problem.
Squicks: No Crookshank-eating, but you can imply it and then show the kneazle alive; Golden Showers; Scat; Torture; Graphic Gore
Maximum Rating: Writer’s Choice, but at least R would be nice.

Film: “Hellraiser” (the British original)
Creature: Pinhead
Pairing: Tom Riddle/Pinhead (romantic); Voldemort/Pinhead (adversarial)
Era: Pre-Harry Potter or Marauders’ Era
Additions: British Museum; Lucius Malfoy; Bellatrix Black; Albus Dumbledore
Scenario: In his search for immortality, Tom Riddle finds a puzzle box in a dusty corner shop of Nocturn Alley. He solves it and finds himself face-to-face with Pinhead. Years later, after Voldemort has returned, someone else finds the puzzle box and releases Pinhead, whose strange romance with Tom has led to war with Voldemort.
Squicks: Graphic Torture and Gore; Scat; Golden Showers
Maximum Rating: R to NC17

Film: "Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy"
Creature: The Mummy
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy; Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley; Harry Potter/The Mummy
Era: Non-HBP Compliant; EWE
Additions: Egyptian cafe and bazaar. Malfoy and Mummy have a family history. Humor. Bondage.
Scenario: Harry and Hermione have been curse-breaking on commission and find themselves low on funds in Egypt. Using the time as a sort of vacation from their real lives, the two end up waiting tables in the Muggle section of Cairo, where they inadvertently stumble across a Wizarding Mummy...who comes to life when a spell of Ron’s goes awry! High-jinks ensue!
Squicks: Graphic violence; Scat; Golden Showers
Maximum Rating: NC17

Film: “The Brothers Grimm”
Creature: Wicked Witch; Huntsman; Red Riding Hood; The Big, Bad Wolf
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape; Moony/Severus Snape
Era: Alternate Universe (still magical)
Additions: Sirius Black (good or bad, author’s choice); Nymphadora Tonks; Bellatrix Lestrange; Minerva McGonagall; there should be some humor in the angst
Scenario: Posing as witch-hunting, myth-debunking brothers the lovers, Remus and Severus, are chased into the Bavarian hinterlands and straight into a Grimm’s fairy tale. The magic of the place begins to pull the werewolf out of Remus. When bodies start piling up, Severus has find the solution, save his lover, and, oh! He has to rid the land of the Wicked Witch!
Squicks: Graphic violence; Scat; Golden Showers; Major Character Death; Tragedy
Maximum Rating: NC17

Film: “The Abominable Dr. Phibes”
Creature: Dr. Phibes
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin OR Severus Snape/James Potter OR Severus Snape/Sirius Black OR any permutation with the characters given; Lily Potter/James Potter
Era: Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality
Additions: Poppy Pomfrey; Hagrid; Aberforth Dumbledore; Colin Creevy; Andromeda Tonks. Dark or gallows humor as well as camp humor appreciated.
Scenario: Lily Potter was the beloved wife of Dr. James Potter. After a carriage crash in which he’s believed to have died, she’s rushed to St. Mungo’s where she dies on the operating table. Dr. Potter survives-barely, and horribly disfigured-and finds out Lily died where he once saved lives. He plots revenge on the team of Mediwizards and Mediwitches, using the Ten Plagues of Egypt as a guide. He saves his most devious plot for Severus Snape and his current lover.
Squicks: Graphic Violence; Scat; Golden Showers.
Maximum Rating: NC17

There are other really great prompts, one of which is the original "Frankenstein" (Boris Karloff) movie with author's choice for pairing. *hint, hint* We need to get some more Snupin for Halloween, don't we? Although...I'll take Ron/Blaise, too, if I have to! *grin*

Prompting: 6th-15th July 2011
Claiming: 17th July-1st August 2011
Submissions due: 15th September 2011
FEST BEGINS: 1st October 2011
Reveals: 31st October 2011

P.S. Remus is on the cover of their banner mag!

pimp, pimpage

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