One of my prompts for HP_Kinkfest was written, DM/HP!! [NC17]

Feb 01, 2011 02:42

Leave Your Inhibitions at Home, Potter
Author: geneva2010
Prompt Number: 392 submitted by bonfoi<
Kink Showcased: Arse-play and/or fetishization
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: The unwelcome unearthing of a Malfoy heirloom triggers magical compulsion for Auror partners Malfoy and Potter.
Warnings: This is a kink-fest, so no worries, right? Ass/arse mild abuse including spanking and worship of many kinds, huge amounts of dirty talk to which I am prone, explicit m/m sex.
Word Count: 7,400 give or take

prompt response, pimp, pimpage

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