just sum shite...

Apr 21, 2004 14:42

bad-ass!this weekend theres gonna be a horror movie marathon on amc.time to down some brews and watch some kickass flix.man,im still on the search for a record player...if anyone knows where to get one or where i might be able to get one...um let me know....or be a dick about it and dont tell me...either way...um fuk it im borred as fuck and i wanna elbow this bitch behind me!!!fuck dont people know when to shut the fuck up?!?!the one thing i hate more than school is...the people at this school,everyones always trying to be someone their not...i mean im sure yall know this by now but,why?and what can we do to stop this shit,i mean honestly i can careless about what these fucking mindless idiots do,but when they critisize me for the music i listen to,the way i dress,the way i act,what i say,etc. thats what i cant stand!they have thier head so far up someone elses ass they dont do any thinking for themselves,and youz guyz who are who you are,no matter what people bitch about you...more power to us,thats what makes us better than them,fucking idiots will find out later on in life...someday hopefully.well if not fuck it,fuck them...im out...

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