6x01 the Mastodon in the Room

Sep 24, 2010 00:00


I'll be brief about the season opener: it was OK, not great. The best moment was for me at the end when Brennan acknowledged to Caroline that the latter wa sthe lynchpin of the team. Very perceptive, esp. after her argiung earlier with Booth about who was the most important for the group, who held together or split the team. The icing on the cake was Brennan trying to hug Caroline... Overall though the ep left me pretty much in a somber mood.

About the new season and most of all the never-ending Booth & Brennan not-yet-getting-together saga: it does feel artificial, it does look contrived, keeping them apart just because TPTB want to hold off still-after 5 years! The TV Guide article with the Nathan interview doesn't assuage me at all:

Nathan would not say how long Hannah will be an issue for Booth and Brennan, but he says that the show's writers aren't just thinking of ways to keep the couple apart. "We want to make this relationship unfold in a very real way," he says. "We don't want to force it, and we don't want to keep them apart in a very contrived way. The situations that keep them apart are going to be very real and will be circumstances that would keep any couple apart, even if they were in love. It's not going to be arbitrary. "They can get closer to each other, and they will get closer to each other," Nathan continues. "What the end result of that will be is still unknown, because we as writers have to follow that relationship as it naturally and organically unfolds. These are obviously two people that everyone feels should be together, and that's not lost on us."

I call foul. Note the plural in "The situations that keep them apart are going to be very real ..." In other words, I'm pretty sure they're keeping them like that for probably the whole season 7 still, maybe some change for the better in the finale. They can say all they want that it's not going against the grain of the B&B storyline but it does. They're not fooling me. But, as they say, you don't have to hope to persevere. So I will probably still watch the new episodes, the way I trudged through the mostly mediocre House MD season 6 earlier. Here's hoping for at least a fantastic finale à la House & Cuddy in their episode 6x22!

house, spoiler, nathan, season 7, 6x01, booth, 6x23, brennan, cuddy

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