5x15 The Bones on the Blue Line

Apr 04, 2010 00:34

Hiatus? What 2-month hiatus? Gone, I tell you, obliterated by the gooey goodness of a new episode of Bones. Spoileroonis ahead, da dee da, da dee da.
I really enjoyed this episode. The best review has already been written by obrien_blue  as usual. By the way, don't forget to read the very substantative comments to the review, with added thoughts by obrien_blue! The squeecap by fiery_twilight  provides more fun visual evidence, again. Thank you both! Just a few more things from humble me now. Angela emphasizing that like the fictitious Amanda she has slept with a prince but not a Norwegian one, no no, a Belgian one! ROTFL  Being of that superior Belgian stock and all that, I can tell you the most likely candidate. That would be prince Laurent who used to be quite the playboy-just like his dad, king Albert II, some would say... Now that I think about it, why is it we've had already two Japanese guest stars in Bones (4x23 and 5x15) but never a European one-and I mean not a Brit, they don't count as they are too similar to Americans, being Anglo-Saxon? I get that the show may be popular in Japan but it is also in Europe, right? Maybe it's a California thing, looking West... I lived there myself and when my kids attended school there they were the minority 25% white among 75% Asian-American... How about a big episode set in Paris, France? Wait, I know: Booth and Brennan finally get together and take some vacation (honeymoon?) in la douce France only to bump into some bones of course... Even better, they could be visiting Bruges in Belgium: very picturesque and eager for movie/TV exposure (e.g., In Bruges), full of history and old Medieval bones.

Angela receiving that BIG check from Brennan for her sexy editing work on her books, that may be important for Hodgela. She's rich too now, 25% of Brennan's books (minus the 1st one) being nothing to sneeze at. So she is now on more equal footing with Hodgins: a subconscious obstacle cleared away? Furthermore, I agree totally with obrien_blue on her frustration about Brennan never having been called out on her writing that book about her and Booth being married during Booth's coma. You can't just forget about that, right? Hart Hanson did say at the time that everything in the season 4 finale (4x26) was there for a reason! She wrote that without any help from Angela and it did describe Booth and Brennan making love... This was obviously Brennan's subconscious speaking. I'm am also leaning toward Booth being his own worst enemy when it comes to his love for Brennan. Brennan compartimentalizes, has internalized that infamous line but could be amenable to make the jump. She does need to be convinced though that it would be better than the status quo in her squinty mind. She's not stupid about emotions, knows she's changing, growing and that it is mostly because of Booth. It's almost as if Booth is the one who's been stagnant emotionally.

I can't wait for the 100th episode next week! Booth and Brennan will grow, develop more. There may be a step back but also steps forward, I'm convinced. We'll see! Finally, a photo from the set of 5x15-this moment did not feature in the episode, right?

spoiler, angela, europe, booth, japan, 4x23, brennan, bruges, founding fathers, 5x16, california, hodgins, hodgela, belgium, photo, 5x15

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