Hey Bitches

Feb 11, 2005 05:49

Hey there. Yesterday I posted a ton of pics check 'em out.

Yesterday was funny. Katie and I really were only going to Alpha cause we thought the other wanted to. LOL. So instead. Me, Andy, Ness-face, and Katie all sat in the worship room and played cards. It was sooo funny. Andy was telling some really really bad jokes. like mass racist!!! BUT SOOO EFFING GREAT! I effing Love Andy he is soooo retarded but sooo fun.

I think Ness liked it. I felt bad cause we talked a lot about creation-fest, but I think she should come anyway :D well she's coming with me to youth group tongiht. It's movie night we are watching "Sky Capitan" or something like that. It will be good times... HOLLA HOLLA! WOOT!

Thurston: Just keep smiling. lol. Sorry I didn't answer your call last night but I didn't know it was you. But because I don't have minutes my caller id doesnt work. :P so you have to leava message and I can check it from ANY phone. K? And don't worry I already knew. I hope you are feeling okay. I was gunna call you back last night after I took Ness-Face home but I figured you to be asleep.

I am listening to the one big kiss for kids marathon and they are playing I hope you dance and I wanna cry. :')

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