Oct 03, 2003 12:56

yesterday i got home from school, and checked my answer machine. charlie had called me at noon and left a message saying he was just calling to tell me he loves me and he was thinking about me!!! it was one of the sweetest things...then again, he was probably just trying to suck up to me! he didnt go to his court appointment and he knows we're probably gonna argue about it. i called him tho after i listned to the bill collectors talk on the machine! he said he was gonna go to his moms cause she invited him over to eat. she never invites us, only him when i'm not over there. mark does the same thing! she also asked him to come live with her...probably cause she knows that if he moves there, we will probably break up cause i would never see him and she would have complete control over everything. he said not right now tho.

i went to rebel yell...it was lots of fun. i thought everyone did a really good job. the austin powers skit/dance won. i liked it, but i definitely didnt think it shouldve won first place. ooh, our class one the door decorating contest. we get to go off campus for lunch for the whole 5th period which is like 2 hours. its gonna be really tight.

i came home and called charlie to tell him i was home. he was like "let me call u back in like an hour cause i'm still at moms and we're smoking".

he calls back like an hour later...he was like "yeah, adrian gave me a ride home" i said "WUT?!!?" apparently, after he got finished eating, she showed up and she was there when i called...thats how they were smoking. she told him she was fixing to ride to his house cause something like she had promised chris she would smoke with them. he said "good, then you can take me home." it pissed me off that she was going over there cause chris and suzie told me they hate her. when he had called me back, she was still thereand they had been finished smoking. he wasnt really acting weird on the phone, but i could tell he was outside with them, but he had walked over by the truck probably cause they seemed really distant. finally, he just walked inside. i heard someone walk in while we were talking and it was definitely adrians voice. all of a sudden, he was like "hey, i'm gonna let you go so i can go lay down" i said "yeah, sure" he was like "wuts wrong with you? why do you have an attitude? are you mad cause of adrian?" i said "ya know wut, charlie, i really dont care. you can do wutever the fuck you want. you know how i feel about your ex girlfriend cause she tried you pretty much right in front of me. i'm sick of arguing about the same shit over and over. its pointless cause obviously you dont care and nothing is gonna change" he goes "wut are you talking about?" "nothin, i'm just sick of it"

so tonight is suzie and chris' birthday party (chris' was tuesday, suzies is today) and i can almost bet adrian will be there. we'll see how things go!
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