Jun 18, 2007 21:27
Today I had a little apart moment where I realised mid conversation why the janitor was shooting me such disturbed looks. Part of my job is confirming that the people for whom death notices are being placed in the paper are in fact deceased, not the victim of a hoax or, as has happened, in jail with mad as hell parents in the Outside. We usually try for the funeral directors, but often have to resort to calling the hospital where they passed away, the cemetery offices, etc. Today I had a list for the Coroner's office. It went something like this:
Me: "Hi Jason, how's tricks tonight?"
Jason: "Dead."
Me: "..."
Jason: "Who am I looking for?"
Me: "Okay, I've got... Blah Blah. Unreported death, probably a sticky one. About two weeks ago."
Jason:" Yep. Got him."
Me: "Also, Blah Blah. Killed today in a house fire."
Jason: "Blah JOHN Blah?"
Me: "Yep. Okay. Last but not least, Blah Blah. I've got police details as well so it's probably foul play."
Jason:"... Nope, suicide. Got her too."
Me: "See, I said suicide, but noone believed me. Well, have a good night."
Jason: "You too. See ya, mate."
My job rocks. I have a feeling I might the one of a very small crowd who think so, but I love it. In two weeks I will have enough to enrol in my funeral celebrants course. Go me.
In other news, Niece!Melanie has thoughtfully supplied me with a killer list of tasks for my Yule Pass the Parcel this year. Girlfriend has a thing for ninjas, which is unfortunate, as she has been born into an overwhelmingly pro-pirate family. Some families have footy teams. Ooooh... Torchwood... Shiny...