If you are interested in taking up a day on the Newsletter please let us know by commenting on this post.
Possible spoilers on whether or not Emily's pregnancy will be written in posted by
klutzy_girl +
David Boreanaz is now on twitter! posted by
traciebee +
Ausiello Spoilers posted by
klutzy_girl +
DB self picture on twitter posted by
angelstoy +
The Finder Press Release posted by
klutzy_girl +
The Finder Episode Stills posted by
traciebee [Fiction]
The Center's Surprise by
klutzy_girl , [Brennan, Booth, Angela, Cam], PG-13
Chapter #2, Part 6 of Close To Home by
fourth_rose , [Brennan/Booth], R
[Contests & Challenges]
Challenge #100 open at
emilystills *The editors of
bones_news ask that all fic be properly labeled (title, pairing, rating) if it is to be linked. There's not always time to read the fic to find out the above information. Thanks!
*If you have a community or personal journal you would like watched by
bones_news , please leave a comment
here. A list of communities currently watched can be found
*You can also email the crew links to fandom events by contacting us at bones.news@gmail.com.