+ Tease a cute Bones/Booth moment! - Rita
The end of the premiere is very touching. Watching Bones deal with her hurt feelings throughout the episode is hard (especially since Emily Deschanel is so good!) but it’s worth it for the ending.
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+ Anything you can tell me about Pelant’s demise? - Cassie
Here’s what I can say: In the premiere, you don’t SEE Pelant, but his presence is so foreboding that a paranoid person might start looking at every piece of electronics in their house with a raised eyebrow. Meanwhile, anyone looking to buy some electronics?
+ How much do we see Freddie Prinze Jr. in the premiere? Did you like him? - Farrah
He doesn’t have a huge amount of screen time in the first episode, but we are introduced to the character, knowing he’ll be back at some point. (By the end of the hour, he owes Booth a favor!) And with such a small amount of screen time, it’s hard to read this character, but I like what I see so far. He’s almost seems like alt-Booth - almost how I imagine Booth had he not found Brennan and the Squints. If that makes sense.
+ Any teases for episodes beyond the premiere or the wedding? - Val
In the second episode - which, as previously reported, takes place at a couples retreat - there’s a sweat lodge scene. #thankyouproducers As for the wedding, this affair won’t be rushed. We’ll see a reception. There’s lots of returns. (Ryan O’Neal! Ty Panitz! Cyndi Lauper!) And, duh, a ceremony!