BGA welcomes Season 7!

Oct 28, 2011 21:39

Well here we are, people - there's less than a week to NEW BONES!!!! We can't quite believe Season 7 is finally here!!!

Now is probably a good time to remind yourselves of the rules of this comm, particularly those pertaining to spoilers. To put it simply something is considered a spoiler for 48 hours from original airing in the US (or to put it even more simply, 'If it's Saturday, it's not a spoiler!'). Until this time posts containing spoilers MUST be hidden beneath a cut with ample warning outside of the cut and spoilery icons should not be used. Hope this is clear, please ask if not.

We will be having one Episode Discussion post this season (as opposed to the spoiler and spoiler-free posts from last year) which will go up before the episode airs for anticipatory, watch along-y and post ep discussion.

This year we are also introducing a Saturday kind of round up post, where people can post links to reviews, both "official", their own or those of other fans, and also re-discuss the ep once they've had time to think about it. I am trying to come up with a snazzy name for this post a la, 'What Are We Reading Wednesday' - so if anyone can think of one please comment below!

Enjoy the PREMIERE (Aaaaaah! *flails*).. and remember bones_ga when you need somewhere to squee!


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