Aug 01, 2014 23:58
I'm back after an spontaneous hiatus. I was posting on a different journal site, but I don't like the site anymore (it's a long story), so now I'm giving Lj another chance.
Hi, I'm Nico and I'm 26. I live in Vancouver, B.C, but don't like it here. I'm hoping to move in the late Autumn, possibly to Montreal. I find that a lot of people in Vancouver are not genuine. They seem interested in things only because they are popular, i.e. yoga, meditation, a gluten-free diet (without having been diagnosed with an allergy!), and Lululemon clothes. I want to meet people who are open. West coast people tend to be reserved and uptight, and I like to be silly and say inappropriate things. I'm from the East coast, and people there are very laid-back and open. They seem more real. I've found it very difficult to make friends in Vancouver. I've lived here for 2.5 years and have made two friends, and one of them moved away. I'm lonely here and am hoping that a new city will help ease that loneliness.
I work at the UBC Farm, teaching kids about farming, but mostly just babysitting them. It's a week-long Summer camp, with news kids every week. I like teaching kids about nature and gardening, and have done so for most of my previous jobs, but the farm has mostly been a negative experience for me. Occasionally, I have good moments, like when I saw a Barred Owl, or taught a good group of kids how to test the pH of soil. But, often, it's standing in front of 30 kids, trying to get their attention to explain a new activity, and they don't care and keep talking to one another.
I dropped out of my Bachelor of Education program in March, and am considering Social Work as my next career path. Mostly, I feel afraid of the future. In one month I'll be unemployed and trying to figure out where I should move. My boyfriend will be starting a year-long fieldwork travelling adventure, in early 2015, and I feel depressed because I have no plans for my future. I'm scared that I won't get a job in Montreal because I speak so little French. I know I should live in the present, but I don't know anyone else who does.