wow. looking at this, its been a long time since ive really updated.
but at this point, no one who really cares reads this anyway, so i can write at my own pace.
i have some weird bump on my head. it shouldnt be there. it worries me.
lots of thing are worrying me lately.
i have alot of shit i need to pay for. i always need to save money, if i ever plan to get out of here.
i really have like 3 friends now. all of them i never really see that much. Nikki got a new job, which is really awesome because she'll be making $0.75 more than she was and she will be working more. Im thinking about getting a job their two on the side to help me make some more money. Im not positive though. I'll have to see. Of her and I have conflicting schedules so we rarely get to see each other. Friday should be pretty fun. We are going to go see the Moving Units in Anaheim.
i dont know what wrong but i just feel like things are so bittersweet right now.
things go really well but it always comes with a price.
i dont know what to think anymore.
on a lighter note, nikki and i have been really fantastic lately. we did alot of stuff this week together and i dont know, i just really had an awesome time. i love her smile. so much.