Moving into Phase Two

May 28, 2005 12:50

The Apple delivery guy came and picked up my poor, dead iPod today (after an amusing comedy of errors involving a phone call and my total, embarrassing incomprehension of his Japanese, both accent and vocabulary), so I'm now that much closer to getting my groove on again. Also, I am not out $200. Yay!

In other good news, the local grocery store now has Indian curry mix that isn't made from a beef or chicken base (yes, Japan is the only country in the world that will sell you "Indian curry" with bits of steak in it). I'm cooking the rice for some now. O curry, I have missed you so. I can almost taste the spicy goodness.

And spring finally appears to be happening, at least on and off (the temperature drops a season every time it rains). I can lounge around the house without a sweater on now. That's pretty exciting. Maybe I can ditch one of my blankets by the time June rolls around.

One last foray into icon-land here, and then I'm getting back to work on things that need doing. And by "things that need doing," I mean "finishing Terranigma and trying to do something about that corrupted Alundra save data." I guess I should probably squeeze in the playing of a Japanese game somewhere, too, since my language skills failed like a failing thing this morning.

Curry time.

victory, curse your beast-flesh

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