What Would Have Been a Very Different Movie

May 21, 2005 15:16

From this article:
According to Kurtz, the possibility of a third trilogy diminished when Lucas veered from his treatment to create Return of the Jedi. The original tale he mapped out didn't feature Ewoks or a second Death Star, and it culminated with the death of Han Solo. Princess Leia parts ways with Luke to lead those who survived her home planet's destruction.

I'm torn. On the one hand, Han Solo does not die. Ever. In my private Star Wars universe, he is some kind of blaster-wielding Highlander.

On the other hand, no Ewoks. Another feature of my private Star Wars universe is the use of the "Wookie uprising" plot, which you can kind of pull off during RotJ if you squint and supply your own noises to drown out the furballs.

On the third hand, which by some fluke of genetics is tangential to the second, Ewoks would be acceptable if they were actually Gremlins: "Oh, my God, Leia! You fed them after midnight! Only Wicket remains furry and non-evil!"

I need a Star Wars icon. Hmm. I didn't really want to learn how to use the fax machine today, anyway.

nerf-herding, follow the butterflies, flights of tangent

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