burning imprEssion...

Oct 11, 2005 21:29

i'm fighting a losing battLE...i can FEEL it. the End has comE for the things i lovE and i am slowly falling from abovE. 
-BROKEN CHILD INSIDE- claims the labEL on my sidE. WARNING!! WARNING!! BEWARE!!! fAiLuRE is a way of lifE....lifE is our fAiLuRE to risE...i FEEL mysElf rising....out of this body, out of this mind, out of this spirit. my brEAth sEEms unREAL, a mEmory of a drEAm...a drEAm of my mEmoriEs. who can say i'vE donE what's right? i'm so unwilling to kEEp up this fight...i closE my EyEs, wishing to bring closurE to my pain-or is it to stop from going insanE? thosE dEAthly arms cling onto mE, thosE dEAthly arms will bE thE End of mE. i'vE torn my soul to shrEds AND STILL i liE in this bEd. i bEg you to STOP IT, pLEAsE STOP IT! your fAcEs pass by and blur my alrEAdy cloudEd mind. thE End has comE and i cannot sEE what liEs ahEAd--you cannot sEE what bLEEds in mE. this cAncEr, this pLaGuE, this STAIN burns it's imprEssion onto my bEing. my PRESENCE is past tense and i can sense how tense i makE you. shrivELEd and usEd, i claw away, for EscapE is the only thing LEFT. movE along now, thErE's nothing hErE to sEE. just anothEr shattErEd girl wastEd on hopELEss drEAms. movE along now, if ONLY you could bEgin to sEE.


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