Ladies and Gentlemen!
For many of you, 2005 begins a new season of Anime and Cosplay Convention going! W00t! Seriously, I'm so excited I can feel my eyeballs tingle. Or whatever. Ahem.
In any case, this post is dedicated to all those Con-goers who are getting all psyched-up about wearing their brand new, oh-so-cool, supercalifragilistiexpialidociohmygodicantbelieveimfreakingusingamerrypoppinsism Inu-Spike-Tidus-Vash-Kenshin-Naruto-Yasha costume and showing it off to the masses at one of the many social gatherings for the Otaku-set. Or maybe you just wanna restock your Pocky-closet. Whatever.
Now, despite the fact that this message was designed specifically for A-Kon, a Texas-based convention, many of the rules it espouses relates DIRECTLY to just about any 'Con out there. These rules are Wise and Good, handed down by our beloved Squirrel Overloard Foamy, so go. Watch. Listen. If you don't have a flash plug-in... then what Ass-End-of-the-Internet Rock have you been living under?! Wake up and smell the technology-latte! Go and download one!
The Link ---- >