May 13, 2010 12:15
Weekly Horoscope: Sunday, May 9, 2010
All Signs:
Get ready to encounter a powerful New Moon on Thursday (its influence lasts for several days). It takes place in Taurus, right when Mercury is cooling its winged heels, frozen at the same degree for six days (like it did when the Icelandic volcano grounded all those planes). Oops. But this time, Mercury is about to go forward. Meanwhile, this New Moon is a gift because each New Moon is an opportunity to improve different areas of our lives (according to what sign we are). Maybe we can fine tune things for the better? It's just a mental focus. Einstein said, "Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions."
Aries (March 21-April 19)
The New Moon this week focuses on your money scene, your cash flow, and how you earn your money, plus your relationship to your possessions. Since each New Moon is your chance to tweak your attitude, or change your approach to things -- you might want to ask yourself "what is my attitude to money?" If you think money is the root of all evil, you probably won't have it for long. If you think money is tough to get, it will be tough to get! Examine your attitude about money because your attitude affects the way things manifest in your life. And what about all the stuff you own? Do you own it or does it own you? Who's in charge here, anyway?
The last lines are very fitting as I'm moving *again* sigh.. lol..