So, exactly a month ago I jumped ship to Android, getting myself a Nexus 7 and a HTC one just days after. I was thrilled with the new system for various reasons:
- FILE EXPLORER! File paths! Knowing where all the files are! Easy upload and download and sorting! Not like iOS where everything goes into a mysterious blackhole; can go in cannot come out, as we say.
- Automatic OS updates. itunes was the bane of my life and in the three years I had my iphone I only synced it to itunes thrice and updated the iOS once. I would have updated from iOS 6 to iOS 7, just that itunes spent 20 minutes scanning and backing up my phone before informing me that I just didn't have the what, 3GB to upgrade.
- Widgets are plus minus. Nice to have, not a definite must.
- Ability to delete nonsense words from the keyboard's memory.
- The additional 25GB of Dropbox space that came with the HTC One.
Some things I still like more about iOS, though they're not crucial:
- Mail client is much prettier and easier to use. Android's mail client has too much clutter.
- Ditto for the SMSes. And the contacts.
- Still prefer the keyboard, because Android has this really irritating way of thinking I'm typing a new word when I'm just trying to continue after the 2nd letter of a word.
- No equivalent expenditure app on Google Play Store for Wally. Hope they come up with an Android version soon.
But that's not the main point. Last night, my one-month HTC ONE went into the white screen of death. Shows the logo and that's all. Can't get it to boot, can't get it to turn off. I was away from my phone for a mere ten minutes to shower. I'm not sure whether anything auto-updated itself at that time. Note to self: turn off auto-updates. Thankfully I still have my old iPhone 4G (am so fond of this cockroach of a phone, just that it's really laggy) with a supplementary data SIM card inside, so I've latched onto that. Of course I had to inform my friends of a change in number, which I did via Whatsapp.
Me: Hello I'm using a temporary number 1010101010 because my HTC has died.
lynn: uhm...this is PL right?
Me: Oops, yeah it is.
lynn: You know how creepy it is to receive a message like that at 7.30am?
Me: Hmm...I didn't think of it that way. Uhm. Isn't it even creepier that you identified me correctly?!
So I told three more friends uneventfully about this change. I also called Starhub to divert calls from the main number to my secondary number. Then it came to min. min is awesome.
Me: This is PL, I'm using a temporary number 1010101010 because my HTC has died.
min: OMG what happened to your phone?
* long conversation about what happened, Linux and rooting *
min: And then the SIM card also cannot take out ah?
Me: *5 second pause* OH. *headdesk*
But anyway, I'm off to the HTC service centre tomorrow. Wish me luck! Mainly because I'll have to pass through the MCE to get there and I'm really quite antsy about that.