My very first Live Journal posting!!!!

Jul 09, 2004 23:02

So here it is --- my very first entry into the world of Live Journal.  I will warn you all now that I have never been able to keep a journal of any kind for more than two entries.  Please feel free to harrass me about not writing next Wednesday.  Although, my new goal is to post more entries than Corey.

I have spent the bulk of today on the phone with our lovely friends of the north --- Michigan.

Number of times my accent was commented on  =  6

I have been calling all day trying to find a place to live.  Well let me clarify --- I found tons of places to live but hardly any that I could afford.  If  I were to move today then you would most likely find me in a half-way house for poor twenty-somethings.  Just kidding but things are frustrating.

By the way my screen name BONECHIC is merely a combination of my profession and my gender.  Just thought I would let everyone know that.
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