May 14, 2009 12:49
I am postponing the lecture I had secheduled for Saturday. Due to variety of issues, I am not prepared well enough and will likely be less prepared by Saturday.
I want to make sure I present this information in the best possible manner, so I will be moving the date to sometime just after Midsummer. At that time I will be giving a lecture in the afternoon and coordinating a ritual in the evening. The ritual will be an extension of the ideas presented in the afternoon.
I apologize to anyone who was planning to attend. I hate to do this on short notice but everything came to a point last night, and when the one I dedicated these lectures to agreed I shouldn't do it, it was time to make the change.
If you want to be emailed with details on the Midsummer lecture and ritual, leave your email address in the comments. I will set them to screened so no one else can see them.