actually to be honest i never did believe in the system of ...police...i never trusted them whatso ever...
anyways i heard today at work then later read up on it a little more at home...
about a 40 year old male that died at the canadian airport on sunday after being tazered by the police.
a 40 year old man that came from poland 10 hours earlier then he was schedualed to arrive to start a new life with his mother in canada, was tazed by the canadian police cause he was throwing chairs or something and wouldn't calm down and later died at the scene.
1. the guy was polish spoke no english.
2. they assumed he was russian so they started to call up russian translaters (good to know airports is full of european not just polish all different european language experts at the airport) cause if someone did take the time to check his flight and his passport i bet they checked it they would of found out he was 100% polish.
3. they tazed him because he was a little mad about not seeing his mother at the airport waiting area which they said was restricted his mother was downstairs unable to see him and vice versa so 3 cops tazed, beat and kept beating (u can hear on the video shouts "hit him again, hit him again" by the police and later he died. someone actually videotaped the whole thing...which is a good thing now they have proof.
gee all the guy was trying to do was see his mother he was trying to defend himself and they simply went nuts on him now they're investigating if he was maybe under drugs or something.
three words WELCOME TO AMERICA well in this case CANADA this what police does to arrivaing passangers now? tazers them to death?
gee watch me put my trust in police hands again. see now i am kinda wondering what a hell was he doing there for 10 hours? (its a 10 hour flight itself from poland to canada, then he spend supposedly 10 hours at the what was he doing there for 10 hours? i know they said he arrived 10 hours earlier...but wtf why wouldnt they let the guy through???