Fic: Awesome Kicks Normal's Ass 1/1

Apr 03, 2014 10:00

Cas looked ashamed; he hung his head to avoid his best friends eyes as he finally said what he had be trying to say to her for so long.
"I'm gay."
Isabellas's reaction took him by surprise, he knew she was his friend, knew that she would still love him, no matter what, but what he wasn't expecting was how easily she took it.
"So; I'm gay."
"Yeah, no, I got that part, what I don't understand why you're making it seem like such a big deal. So you're gay? Who cares?"

Cas looked up from his shoes, but just barely.
"Most people."
"Screw 'em." Isabella said "Most people suck ass. Just stick with the cool kids, they're the ones-"
Cas cut her off "The cool kids already hate me, if they knew I was gay they'd kick my ass." Isabella put her arm around Cas' shoulders.
"You're thinking of the popular kids, not the cool ones. The popular kids are evil. I'm convinced that even they don't like them.
"The cool kids are the ones who'll accept you for exactly who you are. They'll see that you're different and they'll know that that's what makes you perfect. Like me!" she grinned at him and rattled his shoulders. Cas looked at her hopefully and said "I just want to be normal."
Now Isabella looked appalled. "Why the hell would you want that? Just think of how mind-numbingly boring being normal must be. And think of how mind-numbingly boring you would be if you were normal. I'm not normal, and I'm awesome! You're not normal, and- as much as it pains me to say this- you're even more awesome then I am.
Cas grinned "So, best friends for ever?" "Best friends for ever," Isabella replied, then thought, and added "as long as you don't turn normal."

isabella, castiel, cas, short chapter is short, fanfic, oc, i know that nobody likes ocs, fan fiction, pg-13 (barely), pairing:gen

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