Fic: Everyone Leaves 5/9

Jul 01, 2013 08:07

Title: Everyone Leaves (Part 5)
Rating:M (barely)
Summary: Dean's having a hard time denying his emotions and it doesn't look good. He's going to need a miracle to get through this and hopefully end up whole again. Destiel.
Disclaimer: I own nothing and I make no profit.

Despite being completely shocked (again) Dean is slow to respond mainly because, if he keeps up this usual act with Cas, he would lecture the angel about personal space and Cas would apologize and move back which he really doesn't want. He finally takes a deep breath and decides to play it cool.

He laughs casually, "Dude, you didn't watch me the whole time I was asleep did you?" "No." the angel replies and Dean feels weird, 'because he really would have liked to have Cas watch him while he was asleep. It would have been a nice reminder of his mom; that an angel actually was watching over him. "Sam went to get breakfast and he told me to watch you. So I watched you." Dean knows he should explain that's not what Sam meant but he wants it to happen again. So he made his 'yay food!' face. "Did he say anything about pie?" "He said something about you being 'pissed'" air quotes again "when you woke up and found out there wasn't pie and that hopefully that would make you upset enough to talk about what's really been upsetting you." He cursed Sam inwardly as he rolled his eyes and asked "Oh yeah, and did Samantha happen to mention what makes him think I'm upset?" "He didn't have to. I already know. I think you're upset too." His brain screamed its usual reaction to people (read: Sam) seeing through his shell and trying to get him to talk about his feelings. 'Shit! Cover blown! Run! Talk about his girly hair! Say something to piss him off so he gives me his "Talk to me and you die" bitch face' none of which would work on Cas. He sighed inwardly in defeat "And what makes you think I'm upset?" "You're drinking even more than usual, your sleeping habits have gotten worse and now even with the alcohol you're still having a harder time sleeping. And you've been unusually kind and complimentary to me, which I appreciate, but is strange all the same." "What are you talking about kind? I'm always nice to you." Cas nodded his agreement "Usually, yes, you are affectionate to me" Deans face suddenly felt on fire "Which I now understand you show by mocking me. You're nice, but you've never been so" Cas stops to think of the right words "gentle and agreeable with me. I purposely sat close to you while you slept to gauge your reaction to my physical proximity and you did not say anything about 'personal space'" What the fuck were up with Cas and his air quotes lately? "to me." Dean gave up on 'cool' and tried to feign nonchalance. He shrugged "I didn't see the point, I've told you over and over again and it hasn't stopped you. I didn't feel like starting the morning with a lecture." Cas' eyes hardened "Not too long ago you said that I didn't lie to you. I would appreciate you returning the favor." His tone was icy and it sent an entirely non-pleasant shiver up his spine. He knew he was beat but tried not to show it. Instead of letting Cas drown in the ocean of shit that was currently occupying Dean's skull he just rubbed his face with his hand. "What do you want me to say, Cas?" "What I just told you. Tell me the truth." And Dean found that he couldn't lie to (who was now undeniably) his angel. His voiced was anguished and he couldn't look at Cas' face as he felt a very rare tear fall from his eye. "It's you Cas."

He felt his angel stiffen and suddenly the bed shifted and Dean heard the unmistakable sound of Cas departing and he couldn't hold his tears back now because he had finally lost everyone.

destiel, castiel, cas, m-ish, short chapter is short, fanfic, angst, everyone leaves, fan fiction, dean

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