Finally got the A/C fixed on my damn bus... so I moved out of Nick's and back "home" . Got my own space, my own shit, my own clothes and CD's and
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::too wired from his brief stint at Glam for an after show party, Howie paces the length of his bus, tossing a look of frustration each time he passes Drew's bunk because the big guy is snoring too heavily and passing just a bit too much gas. He makes his way up to his driver and asks where they are in relation to the other buses, then asks him to step on it and catch up to AJ's bus. Just as he drops down onto his plush sofa to wait, his phone vibrates on his hip. With a grin and a shake of his head, he answers::
You getting all psychic on me or something? Just asked the driver where you were.
::his face melts into a smile for the first time since he got offstage, and he stretches his legs out on the bed, wiggling his toes::
I'm not getting psycho on you, D! We're ahead of you...had to pull over awhile, he thought we were overheating. There's a rest stop up here, we're pulling off 'cos I need food.
::stretches down and picks at a black toenail for a moment..:: I'm bored as shit, D. You wanna hop on?
I didn't say psycho, you dork. Psychic. I thought you did better in bus school than Nicky. Better still, you need to stop reading your t-shirts. ::chuckles as he kicks off his shoes::
Yeah, I want to hop on. My guy's calling your guy to have him wait up. Probably a half hour or so behind you. That radio party was so freakin' lame. Why do I always get stuck doing this shit? Why can't I ever say no? I need pointers.
::laughs and eases back onto the bed a little more..:: Psychic? I guess I'm that too! And I like my T fans are cute.
Yeah, we'll wait. Who you got on with you? ::scowls, hoping if Howie hops on he wont bring any sisters, cousins, or jersey girls..::
Why CANT you say No? I'm not sure D. You should try rehab... taught me to say no. ::sighs and shakes his head:: Or say yes and then just not show up...
Look. I was thinking. I've been pretty shitty about your DLF stuff. I'll show at the next one, okay? I'm sorry.
::The bus rolls to a stop and he swings his legs off the bed, scanning the floor for his flip flops..:: I'm here... ::squints out the window:: Burger King, crap..
Did you see the shirt I got in Hershey? ::laughs really hard:: Wink If You're Horny. Someone knows me too well.
::sighs softly:: Aside from the sleeping beast, I'm blissfully alone. Plan on staying that way for the next week. Leigh wants to come along closer to my birthday. There goes all my sly fun. ::laughs lowly, but sadly::
I have no friggin' clue, guess it's ingrained in me to be accomodating and nice all the time. If rehab didn't involve such serious shit, I'd go for it.
::he quirks a brow and presses his lips together, refusing to let his disappointment over AJ's continuous no shows:: S'okay... don't worry about it. Just don't make promises anymore, that's all.
::his stomach gurgles and he rubs it:: That's all that's there? Crap. I want real beef. A thick juicy steak. We could pull off in New York, book a hotel and get room service. Hit the road again first thing in the morning. We don't have to be there til 3.
And I thought your fans thought you are an angel...
::laughs easily:: And I thought you meant SHE was the sleeping beast for a minute there...I guess we'll live for a week, huh? Sorry...
::He nods at the sudden change in Howies tone..:: I wont. I wont make promises and break them.. I felt pretty shitty about it, really. Angie fucking hates me.
TJ, you cant HANDLE real big beef... ::climbs carefully down the steps, letting Marcus sleep, and heads for the Burger King..:: We can do that...I dont feel like sitting on this bus for 5 more hours right now..I'm ansty, D. Get someone to book us in somewhere so we can get some big beef?
Some of my fans are more in tune to my frisky side.
::he can't help but laugh:: Hey, that's my non-girlfriend you're talking about. You gotta admit though, she's got a great rack.
::shrugs and releases an almost inaudible sigh:: I'll talk to Angie. You know she can't resist your charm for too long.
::twists around on the couch and bunches a pillow under his head, a big grin on his lips::
Bone, you have no idea how big of real beef I can handle. And no, you ain't getting nitty gritty details. I'll handle the reservation myself. We dom't need to let anyone else know about our secret escape. You gonna tell Marcus? Should I wake Drew? Or you think we can just sneak off? We could always get a limo to drive us in the morning. It'd definitely get us there faster than these buses.
Hell, yeah, if her tits were all I had to look at for a week, I'd be happy too..Happy birthday to you.
I'll make it up to her, tell her that, okay? I will. The golf thing? I can do that one...for real.
::cracks up...ignoring a couple stares from people picking out their cold Whoppers:: I'm so getting the details, Howard. You are just full of it, you still drunk from that party? You wanna ditch security..? ::picks out some fries and some kind of cheesecake dessert, bringing it to the register::
I love it. Let 'em sleep. You know how much SHIT we'll be in if they wake up and we are 300 miles south of them? ::Drops his food into a bag and steps outside, lighting up a cigarette as he heads back toward his waiting bus::
::his chuckles continue because it's no surprise to him that AJ isn't a big fan of Leigh... hell, he's not all that big of a fan of hers either, but it's nice to have a little worshipping company now and then.::
Okay, okay, I'll tell Angie to arrange something golf-y, even though I suck at it.
::he rolls halfway off the couch to reach his back pack and extracts his tour journal, excitement at going MIA with AJ for the night making his heart beat faster::
Cool... when I get there, jump on my bus and send yours and Marcus' on it's way before he wakes up. Bribe your drive or something to not wake him. I'll arrange for a car and a hotel now. Shit, it'd probably be even more fun to just rent a car and drive ourselves. We don't even have to go into NYC. I'm hanging up now to do this. Thanks, Bone. You inspire me to be psycho. ::laughs:: Guess that shirt is true after all.
How are you going to lose Drew...? You'd better hop off the bus here and get us a cab from here to the city....We'll bribe both drivers...
::laughs as he sucks on his cigarette:: Okay Psycho D, where do you wanna go? Newark?
This is so fucked up...I miss this shit. This is just what I needed. I'm gonna go grab a few things off the bus and send him on his way. Make sure you get the right Rest stop, or I'll be here alone all night...
Drew... ::cranes his neck down the length of the bus towards the bunks:: Ah, the guy is beat. Had all kindsa chicks coming on to him. He can't keep up yet. ::chuckles:: He'd probably sleep right through a hurricane right now. I'll leave him a note.... with a happy face on it. Can't get mad at that, right?
::laughs and stealthily makes his way towards his backpack and lowers his voice:: AJ, ole buddy, I have no fucking clue where we even are. If Newark's close, Newark's good. I'm just gonna call Enterprise Rentals; they bring the car to you. Well, once I figure out where we are. You get rid of the bus, hide out in a corner somewhere and I'll see you in about 20 minutes. And don't eat all the onion rings.
TJ, lil pal.. Newark aint too safe for two little boybanders to be driving around at night. Just book us in the city..I'll be here, in the corner...
::re-boards the bus, hurrying to the back and throwing some stuff into a backpack..excitement sending a shiver up his spine:: If I eat it all, I'll buy you more. See you, D.
~~~ Ten minutes later he is back inside , camped out in a corner booth, watching the hustle and bustle of the other travellers with his sweatshirt puled down over his arms and his ballcap pulled low over his brow...ten minutes after that, his face lights as he spots Howie enter and look around...
Help yourself, D...::watches Howie drain half his drink and grins, chucking a cold onion ring at his head::
Liiimoooooo, a Limo?? Limmmmoooooo. Fancy shit Howie, I love it. We'll keep it for tomorrow.
::shakes his head and pushes the remaining cold onion rings toward his friend:: Two hootchies, I knew it. Whats wrong with me? I should have a bus full of women. Not that I didn't get laid this afternoon, but it gets lonely two hours later...
::his eyes darken briefly at the thoughts of a greasy onion ring touching his hair but then he remembers, with an inward sigh of relief, the ballcap covering his head. He plucks the onion ring off his thigh and throws it back, grinning as it hits and sticks to AJ's shoulder::
That is how much-loved popstars are supposed to travel, Alex. We've just become too accustomed to buses and vans.
::he happily shoves an onion ring in his mouth and contains his happy laugh until he's done:: I'm quite sure the problem is you and not the women. I've seen 'em clamoring for your attentions. And who the hell, when the hell did you get laid? I'm friggin' jealous!
You're right..::ducks the Onion ring and laughs, pulling it off his shoulder and popping it into his mouth:: Mmmmmmm good.
You're right, we arent spoiled enough. More limos for us. Less short busses.
I guess it is me.. its fucking strange touring sober, all the rest of you get buzzed and do your thing.. well, some of it looks notsogood when you're not buzzed. Hell. But yeah, after the soundcheck,I got a little action, it was too fucking hot to golf...
::shakes his head,and grimaces:: Don't feel too bad, it wasn't even good sex..stupid young girl that didn't really know what she was doing...
You getting all psychic on me or something? Just asked the driver where you were.
I'm not getting psycho on you, D! We're ahead of you...had to pull over awhile, he thought we were overheating. There's a rest stop up here, we're pulling off 'cos I need food.
::stretches down and picks at a black toenail for a moment..:: I'm bored as shit, D. You wanna hop on?
I didn't say psycho, you dork. Psychic. I thought you did better in bus school than Nicky. Better still, you need to stop reading your t-shirts. ::chuckles as he kicks off his shoes::
Yeah, I want to hop on. My guy's calling your guy to have him wait up. Probably a half hour or so behind you. That radio party was so freakin' lame. Why do I always get stuck doing this shit? Why can't I ever say no? I need pointers.
Yeah, we'll wait. Who you got on with you? ::scowls, hoping if Howie hops on he wont bring any sisters, cousins, or jersey girls..::
Why CANT you say No? I'm not sure D. You should try rehab... taught me to say no. ::sighs and shakes his head:: Or say yes and then just not show up...
Look. I was thinking. I've been pretty shitty about your DLF stuff. I'll show at the next one, okay? I'm sorry.
::The bus rolls to a stop and he swings his legs off the bed, scanning the floor for his flip flops..:: I'm here... ::squints out the window:: Burger King, crap..
::sighs softly:: Aside from the sleeping beast, I'm blissfully alone. Plan on staying that way for the next week. Leigh wants to come along closer to my birthday. There goes all my sly fun. ::laughs lowly, but sadly::
I have no friggin' clue, guess it's ingrained in me to be accomodating and nice all the time. If rehab didn't involve such serious shit, I'd go for it.
::he quirks a brow and presses his lips together, refusing to let his disappointment over AJ's continuous no shows:: S'okay... don't worry about it. Just don't make promises anymore, that's all.
::his stomach gurgles and he rubs it:: That's all that's there? Crap. I want real beef. A thick juicy steak. We could pull off in New York, book a hotel and get room service. Hit the road again first thing in the morning. We don't have to be there til 3.
::laughs easily:: And I thought you meant SHE was the sleeping beast for a minute there...I guess we'll live for a week, huh? Sorry...
::He nods at the sudden change in Howies tone..:: I wont. I wont make promises and break them.. I felt pretty shitty about it, really. Angie fucking hates me.
TJ, you cant HANDLE real big beef... ::climbs carefully down the steps, letting Marcus sleep, and heads for the Burger King..:: We can do that...I dont feel like sitting on this bus for 5 more hours right now..I'm ansty, D. Get someone to book us in somewhere so we can get some big beef?
::he can't help but laugh:: Hey, that's my non-girlfriend you're talking about. You gotta admit though, she's got a great rack.
::shrugs and releases an almost inaudible sigh:: I'll talk to Angie. You know she can't resist your charm for too long.
::twists around on the couch and bunches a pillow under his head, a big grin on his lips::
Bone, you have no idea how big of real beef I can handle. And no, you ain't getting nitty gritty details. I'll handle the reservation myself. We dom't need to let anyone else know about our secret escape. You gonna tell Marcus? Should I wake Drew? Or you think we can just sneak off? We could always get a limo to drive us in the morning. It'd definitely get us there faster than these buses.
I'll make it up to her, tell her that, okay? I will. The golf thing? I can do that one...for real.
::cracks up...ignoring a couple stares from people picking out their cold Whoppers:: I'm so getting the details, Howard. You are just full of it, you still drunk from that party? You wanna ditch security..? ::picks out some fries and some kind of cheesecake dessert, bringing it to the register::
I love it. Let 'em sleep. You know how much SHIT we'll be in if they wake up and we are 300 miles south of them? ::Drops his food into a bag and steps outside, lighting up a cigarette as he heads back toward his waiting bus::
I fucking LOVE it.
Okay, okay, I'll tell Angie to arrange something golf-y, even though I suck at it.
::he rolls halfway off the couch to reach his back pack and extracts his tour journal, excitement at going MIA with AJ for the night making his heart beat faster::
Cool... when I get there, jump on my bus and send yours and Marcus' on it's way before he wakes up. Bribe your drive or something to not wake him. I'll arrange for a car and a hotel now. Shit, it'd probably be even more fun to just rent a car and drive ourselves. We don't even have to go into NYC. I'm hanging up now to do this. Thanks, Bone. You inspire me to be psycho. ::laughs:: Guess that shirt is true after all.
::laughs as he sucks on his cigarette:: Okay Psycho D, where do you wanna go? Newark?
This is so fucked up...I miss this shit. This is just what I needed. I'm gonna go grab a few things off the bus and send him on his way. Make sure you get the right Rest stop, or I'll be here alone all night...
::laughs and stealthily makes his way towards his backpack and lowers his voice:: AJ, ole buddy, I have no fucking clue where we even are. If Newark's close, Newark's good. I'm just gonna call Enterprise Rentals; they bring the car to you. Well, once I figure out where we are. You get rid of the bus, hide out in a corner somewhere and I'll see you in about 20 minutes. And don't eat all the onion rings.
::re-boards the bus, hurrying to the back and throwing some stuff into a backpack..excitement sending a shiver up his spine:: If I eat it all, I'll buy you more. See you, D.
Ten minutes later he is back inside , camped out in a corner booth, watching the hustle and bustle of the other travellers with his sweatshirt puled down over his arms and his ballcap pulled low over his brow...ten minutes after that, his face lights as he spots Howie enter and look around...
Liiimoooooo, a Limo?? Limmmmoooooo. Fancy shit Howie, I love it. We'll keep it for tomorrow.
::shakes his head and pushes the remaining cold onion rings toward his friend:: Two hootchies, I knew it. Whats wrong with me? I should have a bus full of women. Not that I didn't get laid this afternoon, but it gets lonely two hours later...
That is how much-loved popstars are supposed to travel, Alex. We've just become too accustomed to buses and vans.
::he happily shoves an onion ring in his mouth and contains his happy laugh until he's done:: I'm quite sure the problem is you and not the women. I've seen 'em clamoring for your attentions. And who the hell, when the hell did you get laid? I'm friggin' jealous!
You're right, we arent spoiled enough. More limos for us. Less short busses.
I guess it is me.. its fucking strange touring sober, all the rest of you get buzzed and do your thing.. well, some of it looks notsogood when you're not buzzed. Hell. But yeah, after the soundcheck,I got a little action, it was too fucking hot to golf...
::shakes his head,and grimaces:: Don't feel too bad, it wasn't even good sex..stupid young girl that didn't really know what she was doing...
I should have sent her to your bus..
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