May 20, 2015 12:12
Haven't been doing enough writerly updates lately, but here's a quick one:
- Stories: three currently under way. One is an SF tale with some social / ethical exploration, another is an SF tale about cloning with... I'm not quite sure yet. The third is a literary piece, already novella-length which is a bit of an indulgence, but one which I think can sell, and sell well. All I have to do is finish it now.
- Books: signed the contract for my next ebook collection. It's a collection of fantasy stories starring a couple of characters that I really like and a world which is very interesting to write (hope it's equally interesting to read!).
- Have also been asked for a drawing for a cover (*waves at commissioner, whe reads this*). I accepted with the express understanding that if the commissioner doesn't like it, they can discard and I won't be offended!
Wordage: about 1700 words since last report spread among the WIPs.
science fiction