Tokyo Yakuza Kickstarter

Nov 12, 2014 10:34

So, as I may have mentioned, I am involved in the Tokyo Yakuza project, which combines what looks to be an amazing RPG experience with a good amount of fiction set in the same universe.  I am currently scheduled to have story number 46 in the series - my tale is called "Death on the Inside" and includes everything needed to make a story brilliant: criminals, sex, robots and murder.

The project has a kickstarter going (and going well, only a couple of days into the process), so if you want to donate to something really cool, or just want to read more about the project, here's the link!

Writing: nearly 3700 words since last report, which brought version 1 of the Yakuza story to completeion (now awaitng editorial comments), and also started a new novella for a very different antho.

writing, science fiction

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