Yet another
controversial post over at Classically Educated. I believe that this one should manage to offend almost everybody, but things that need to be said need to be said!
Anyhow, not much else going on at the moment. Working, got a few hundred words into an SF story... and that's about all!
Hemingway was the most acclaimed writer of his generation and nation. In other words, except for the opinions of his generation and his nation, he wasn't a very good writer at all. In fact, he was kind of... bad. boring. simplistic. melodramatic. boring again. And a liar. Mostly about himself. He's the epitome of a self-depreciating culture looking for a hero, and choosing the wrong person to be that hero.
But in terms of what interested him... sex and booze and violence. But not any interpretation or story that arose from sex and booze and violence. Only the experience of sex and booze and violence. As if it was a religion, and the high priest was Hemingway.
I can think of, and I'm not really interested in the topic, so forgive my paucity, a dozen authors from America at the time, exposed to the same elements, that were more interesting than Hemingway. He just didn't challenge... anything. And his fucking "manly hamburger". A stolen recipe for steak tartare, pan fried like the fucking barbarian he was.
And as for the NFL? No better exemplar of bread and circuses in the freaking world. Waste of fucking time. Totally. Great big dipshit men grabbing eachother in tight pants for millions of dollars. I'd rather watch a bean-wrestling competition between surly kangaroos.
Just my 2 cents, mind.
The controversy isn't so much in whether the NFL is good or not, but whether society as a whole is going overboard in the health, safety and sensitivity dimension. I see it as a very worrying trend, and very large risk to individual liberties but many see it as "maturation".
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