The question of what happens a few months / years after the dead rise and many of your best friends become their lunch and join the ranks is one that's been explored quite a bit of late, but of the books I've read that deal with it,
The World is Dead, from Permuted Press is the best. This one contains my story "Bridge Over the Cunene", and I've posted sporadic reviews by various people, and
here is another, recent one (again, Cunene seems to go down well with the review crowd).
But now, I've finally gotten around to reading my own copy, and found that it was even better than expected. The stories are divided among different spects of life after the apocalypse: Work, Family, Love, etc, and display an amazingly wide range, from tender tales of rejoining a lost love to one chilling story in which the zombies are less dangerous than all-too-human psychoes out for revenge. These are not zombie stories for pre-teens, they are for people who enjoy being challenged, who enjoy thinking about things and who like to go deep into the consequences.
It's hard to choose a favorite among such a solid lineup, but I'll go with the opening tale: "Dead Men Can't Complain", by Peter Clines. It's place at the front of the book is well deserved, and it admirably sets the tone for the whole antho.
Pick this book up, if you are at all interested in dark fiction - it goes well beyond the usual zombie fare.
Writing: no fiction, but considerable wordage on an introduction to a classic which I'm writing. I won't go on about it here because it is worthy of its own post.