Jul 30, 2005 10:27
Hello everybody. I'm at work, and bored, and thought that it was time for another update on my life. Here it goes...
Yup, that's it. I have been watching plenty of movies. Yesterday I saw "Spellbound." It's a documentary following 8 kids at the National Spelling Bee. It was actually really good. It mades me wish I was really good at something.
Speaking of yesterday, it was also the worst day of work. I was working alone, and every parent of a camp kid had to come and tell me off. I don't how I could make it any more clear: I have no affiliation with the camps. If something is going wrong, or the staff is missing, there is very little I can do. I hope I am never a parent that feels the need to get pissed off the minute something goes wrong. I mean, honestly, how mature do you look swearing and yelling at a 19 year old? I'm only doing my job. It's not my goal to please the parents, and certainly not after one tells me to act like a human, and not like a bureaucrat. Yes, that's right, it's all a conspiracy to piss parents off.
Good thing last night was an "Arrested Development" marathon. That show can always crack me up. I encourage all of you to check it out Friday when they have another marathon. Allow me to give an example of the brillance of the show with my favorite line from last night:
Setup: Gob bought a boat with the company money that was named the Seaward. After Gob tells Michael this (with Lucille, their mother, in the room), this is what is said:
Michael: (to Gob) Get rid of the Seaward.
Lucille: I'll leave when I'm good and ready.
Get it? Great stuff. Then, there's always "I blue myself."
Well, I guess that's all. I'm going home this weekend and stopping at my cousin's girlfriend's grad party and then I think I'm hanging out with my cousins afterwards. There's a People en Espanol here. I guess, if desperate enough, I could practice my skills and read some articles.