Jul 09, 2010 00:03
- 08:55 OMG! #Forecastle is tomorrow! This will be the longest day ever... :-) #
- 09:17 Note To Self: Google docs in the hands of a Marching Band is not a good thing... ;-) #
- 11:54 As many of you may, or may not know, @alyankovic is one of my absolute heroes and inspirations- bit.ly/bHqT5L -thanks for "weird" sir #
- 13:20 Just got back from Meijer. Feels like I bought enough food to feed an army... Or a marching band. ;-) #
- 23:47 That plus the price of a cup of coffee at Starbucks will get you 4 cups of coffee at Burger King. #
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