Jul 03, 2010 00:03
- 01:03 Okay, the new #Futurama episode was officially awesome. So glad it's back on the airwaves. - twitpic.com/21og5n #
- 13:29 M&M 2nd edition for $10! Sweet! RT @GreenRoninPub: Green Ronin 10th Anniversary Sale is.gd/dcTlx #Sass #
- 14:29 *sigh* Dear Mel Gibson, I say this to you as... Well someone who really doesn't give a shit about you. But maybe it's time to just shut up. #
- 14:37 I think I should start following #worldcup to plan Twitter outages accordingly. #
- 15:37 @ cyborgturkey Bieber or Cyrus? #
- 21:55 I gotta say, I'm loving the first season of #Leverage so far. Great stuff! #
- 22:55 I swear... Everyone I know knows someone who is having a baby this week. #TotallySerial #BabysBy2Degrees #
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