Today's Tweets

Jun 08, 2010 00:00

  • 08:50 @ rbowen Congrats sir! :-) #
  • 09:01 Okay, I think I'm getting the words to Seven Nation Army down (again) for the latest @MMMarchingBand song - #
  • 11:14 @ k_romanelli "For realsies?" Love it. :-) My ex-fiance replied with "Darn tootin'" when I asked her to marry me. :-P #
  • 15:07 It's so hot in the office I dropped an egg on the floor and it started cooking. #OneUpYourCoWorker #
  • 15:13 @ thinkgeek I can't believe they changed it! Everyone knows that Beckham short first! #
  • 15:31 Cake's "Pressure Chief" is kind of a hard album to listen to. It's not a BAD album by any means, but is IMO their weakest album to date. #
  • 15:34 So you're like "It's not bad... But I could be listening to their superior work." It's an odd feeling. #
  • 16:05 And the Personal Soundtrack shirt is back in! *geeky delight* RT @thinkgeek: take $10 off $30+ orders w/ code iLEAKED through 5pm EDT! #
  • 17:12 Dinner, Warhammer Invasion and Tripp's drumming class. Good end to a Monday. :-D #
  • 22:35 Ahhhh... Another fantabulous night of drumming! :-D #
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