Critical Thinking with the Hive Mind

Dec 27, 2007 13:04

(X-posted at my Real Blog.)

I'm about to start semester the third in the MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults at the fabulous Vermont College of Fine Arts (a program I highly recommend). Anyway, the third semester is when you do your critical thesis and I'm putting together the reading list for the bibliography of mine, attempting to get a headstart on things. What I'd love from you smarty smart peeps, are your recommendations of any and all (good, bad, indifferent) young adult fantasies with strong political overtones.

Nothing's too obvious to mention, because I'm interested in being as comprehensive as possible and my ability to overlook stuff should never be discounted. And although I'm more focused on relatively current work (last 10-15 years), classics are fine too as I haven't fully established the scope yet.

mfa rock

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