grrrr arggg rawr hissssss

Dec 18, 2008 00:09

Pet Peeve : How long it takes Jim to get ready. In the time it takes me to shower, do my hair (blow dryer, curling iron, lots of product), do my makeup, put on a three layer skirt, get my boobs to defy gravity, pack cellphone, knife, ID and credit card into my bra, and put on my boots - Jim still can't manage to put on a t-shirt, pants and boots, locate wallet and keys. In fact, it almost always takes him about 10 mins longer than me. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? I'm no speed demon. Really. He just always starts late. Like, way late. WHY? Why does he do this to me? I was ready to leave at midnight, our goal time. And he? Still finding his shirt -.- He had, like, 45 mins to do that already! Ugh. Men. ...they can be a special breed of stupid sometimes...
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