So, Patrick and I caught up on "LOST" late last year. We were watching a *lot* of it.
I had a dream in there that was interesting. In it, I figured out exactly what was going on in the series, and everything was solved by time travel.
I told Patrick about the dream, and was rather excited. I mean, seriously! Time travel! It solved almost everything!
This was, of course, long before we found out that everything was explained by time travel. :P
I actually felt pretty proud of my unconscious for figuring that one out. ^^
Anyhow, as the series has progressed this year to be all about time travel, I have come to understand a lot of what the hell is going on and it makes me happy.
BSG is comming to a close. I know we've got a 2 hour finale coming up. Clearly, everything is not going to be resolved and it's not going to end in a neat little package. Maybe it's better that way. However, if the following are not cleared up, I will throw a hissy fit:
- Why do Giaus and Six see one another in projections?
- Is #7 Starbuck's father? Did her mother know that her husband was a cylon if this is in fact true?
- What DID #1 do to #7? (btw, #1 screwing Mrs. Col on New Caprica seems particularly personally malicious now)
- Why the vision with Gaius and 6 with Hera?
Yes, I need to write about the wedding and honeymoon... but that will take a LOT of writing, and I'm still kinda shell shocked after the very busy last few weeks. :) I'll get to it later.