Make a sad face...

Jun 03, 2010 15:08

2:48:37 PM nett: You guys Jenji's is the first VDSLC that I've read/am reading. ~~FAVOURITISM~~?!?! xD xD xD
2:48:49 PM xxJenjeh: LOL, pssh
2:49:01 PM dorkuchan: awww and i married in one of your sims, too *rejected*
2:49:01 PM xxJenjeh: only cuz you are not busy right this moment and i LINKED IT! thats the only reason XD
2:49:13 PM xxJenjeh: *Throws things*
2:49:27 PM nett: awww and i married in one of your sims, too *rejected* <-- HOLY SHIT YOU DID?! *tears of joy*
2:49:33 PM dorkuchan: if you need me I'll be in the corner, cutting myself and crying
2:49:44 PM dorkuchan: and possibly wishing i could play guitar so i could write a song
2:49:51 PM dorkuchan: about how badly my wrists hurt
2:49:53 PM darthfluffle: I LOVE YOU KATU D:
2:49:55 PM nett: You could write a song and use a triangle?
2:50:00 PM shebeafish: you don't need to be able to play the guitar
2:50:07 PM shebeafish: just hold it and wave your hand over the strings
2:50:10 PM shebeafish: make a sad face

friends, sims 3, sims 2, lol

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